“Betsy said there’s a place with great pizza at Diamond Lake and we can sit outside with the dog,” Lori said. “She also told us we could come and pick out some movies on VHS. You really need to go look inside the main office, Jul.” One of the items for purchase in the m...
Well that certainly appears to be whatMichael Bayis banking on. You macho, straight dudes only like loose cars and fast women. . .or something like that. But, come on, be honest, in the in the deep recesses of your bacony hearts don't you long to turn off the explosions, the greasy...
Believe me, I was tempted, but you should have a little more faith in your ol’ buddy. Let’s kick things off with, Under My Tight Skin! Oh Taco, you ARE awesome! What else you got for us today? How about, Tell Me That You Like It (I’d like to dedicate the top and ...
This is a short excerpt from the book I have been working on for the past two years, extra special thanks to my editor Lisa Carver who has read every 75,000+ words and supplied me with suggestions, tweaks, edits and, most importantly, encouragement. Thanks Lisa. The book is about my m...
Every month I waited for the next VHS tape to come out. And if I got any disposable income I’d use it to get old CZW tapes. It’s one of the things that kept me going through a very dark time in my life I didn’t have a lot to live for. Out of the many regulars, there...
Blame my dad, he’s told this joke since I can remember. If you’re from Michoacan, you’ve probably heard of Morisqueta. It’s really just rice, beans and red chile. You can add meat if you want, which is really carne con chile. Growing up I was never really asked what I ...
The girl had a great time in Arizona but upon return to Seattle the drunken Dad experience continued so I had to scoop her up and camp out with her at my sister in law’s condo for a week while I scrambled to find an apartment. I felt homeless. Desperate. So sorry for her. Fortuna...
David Bowie, and I had worn down my VHS copy of The Labyrinth. (Actually I’m watching my Blu-ray copy at this very moment while writing this – because it it awesome, and because it’s a little too soon for me to process watching The Man Who Fell To Earth.) So now I needed ...
I have to say, it inspired me a little. I gave up my ticket for Game 4 and stayed home. Why? Because it's the Celtics and the Lakers in the Finals. And even better, I'm not watching it on a grainy VHS tape after 10 bong hits. Nope, it's happening live. Time for a diary....
Myself and a group of friends, all now in our early 20s, gathered to watch it at a mate's house and we were captivated by it once again, for different reasons this time, despite the poor quality of the pirated VHS copy I'd purchased. I re-watched it again recently after many years...