如果 Windows Forms 應用程式擲回未處理的例外狀況,其會顯示下列對話方塊: 若要啟用 Just-In-Time 偵錯,而不是標準 Windows Form 錯誤處理,請新增下列設定: 在machine.config 或<應用程式名稱>.exe.config 檔案的 system.windows.forms 區段中,將 jitDebugging 值設定為 true: XML 複製 <configuration> <...
You just-in-time debuggeriscurrentlysetto ‘"C:\Windows\system32\vsjitdebugger.exe"-p %ld -e %ld ‘。In orderforjust-in-time debugging and distributed.Debugging features to work correctly,it needs to be changed to “"f:\ruanan\Delphi5\Bin\bordbg70.exe"aeargs %ld %ld',Do you want to...
随时将调试程序连接到任何进程的能力称为即时调试(Just-in-timeDebugging)。 这里我们对它如何工作稍加说明:当程序员点击Cancel按钮,就是告诉UnhandledExceptionFilter函数对进程进行调试。在内部,UnhandledExceptionFilter调用调试程序,这需要查看下面的注册表子关键字: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Curre...
IE-->Tools-->Internet Options-->Advanced-->选上 Disable Script Debugging(other)
VC中的Just-in-time调试,使用该调试模式应用程序可以再Visual C++开发环境之外运行知道发生一个错误.当遇到一个程序错误时,Just-in-time调试自动加载Visual C++ Debugger .要打开Just-in-time调试只需要修改Tools->Options->Just-in-time debugging选项即可(其实该选项所做的操作就是写了个注册表,将自己作为其他程序...
If you install the .NET Framework on Windows Server 2003 or on Windows 2000 SP3 (or later), Just-In-Time debugging will not work for a process running in a limited user account in a Terminal Services session until the computer has been rebooted....
如果您已經是 Visual Studio 使用者,而且想要嘗試偵錯錯誤,請參閱使用 Just-In-Time 偵錯工具進行偵錯。 如果您無法修正錯誤,或想要讓 Just-In-Time 偵錯工具無法開啟,您可以從 Visual Studio 停用 Just-In-Time 偵錯。 如果您已安裝 Visual Studio 但不再安裝,您可能需要從 Windows 登錄停用 Just-In-Time ...
Just-In-Time debugging works for Windows desktop apps. It doesn't work for Universal Windows Apps, or for managed code that is hosted in a native application, such as Visualizers. Tip If you just want to stop the Just-In-Time Debugger dialog box from appearing, but don't have Visual ...
1. 实时调试 软件开发常用名词中英文对照 - Leo Liu - 博客园 ... junction table 联接表Just-in-time debugging实时调试key 密钥 ... www.cnblogs.com|基于50个网页 2. 即时调试 OLLYDBG_互动百科 ... 外观选项[ Appearance options]即时调试[Just-in-time debugging] 概论[ Introduction] ... ...