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Just Dance Wii U (also known as ジャストダンスWii U) is a Japanese game which was released on April 3, 2014 in Japan. It is the sequel to Just Dance Wii 2 and is exclusive to the Wii U. Just Dance Wii U runs on Just Dance 2014’s properties and skips
“Swan Lake” by The Just Dance Orchestra “Tainted Love” by The Just Dancers “Tití Me ...
谁有wii Just Dance 2019的资源,我可以提供wii Just Dance 2017-2018-2020下载 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2019-11-30 00:58回复 pnj628 基础玩家 5 2019链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1XyQj5fXkH-aSAkszQF2huQ提取码:ob04求2020 3楼2019-12-04 22:53 收起回复 越...
又来讨论just d..请问要怎么才能5星,我选了3个简单的,也只有4星还有比这3个还简单的吗简单的我就手舞足蹈,难的反应不过来,就没动脚。话说玩这个只敢一个人玩,都不敢当外人玩 ~为晚,惜缘~
Requiring only one Wii Remote per player, Just Dance is the first real dance video game, in which up to four people can break it down at a time, as they follow on-screen choreographed moves set to classic dance tracks. Developed with professional dancers and based on true dance moves, Ju...
Just Dance 2020 scoring screen (Wii) Tel Aviv on the Just Dance Now menu (2017 update, computer) Tel Aviv on the Just Dance Now menu (2017 update, phone) Just Dance Now coach selection screen (2017 update, computer) Just Dance Now coach selection screen (2017 update, phone) Just Dance...