Added support to TensorFlow Object Detection for using a different frame generator, instead of Vuforia. Using Vuforia to pass the camera frame to TFOD is still supported. Removes usage of Renderscript. Fixes logspam on app startup of repeated stacktraces relating to "Failed resolution of: Landroi...
Whenever we return, I’ll definitely need to do some work to understand where the higher usage is coming from.I hope to do another post related to this topic. Our garbage production is also way lower here. I’d say that the one nighttime diaper we put on our son each day constitutes ...
/** set rtl to true for making sheet to right-to-left* default value of rtl = false ( which means the fresh or default sheet is ltr )**/varsheetObject=excel['SheetName']; sheetObject.rtl=true; Copy sheet contents to another sheet ...
Another command to explain is splice_schedule(). It has similar syntax and semantic as splice_insert() but it uses wallclock time instead of PTS. This allows to schedule the ad breaks far before the actual event based on the broadcast schedule and wall clock time. On the other hand, wall...
The topic of stranded assets is one that oil and gas opponents have attempted to bring into wide acceptance in the financial community and among policymakers in recent years. Basically, the argument goes that the world is in the process of rapidly moving away from the use of oil, natural gas...
‘Ah ha, another leak, Chia do you think?’ enquired Bowerliesse, mildly interested. ‘I’ll get on to it pronto – somehow they knew Les célébrations folkloriques were a smoke screen for the coming together of the fuqara, but more seriously they commented that the King’s envoy to ...
I am having the same problem, and it's almost 2022! I totally understand what you are saying and agree it's very dumb that PS doesn't scale up the smart object. Sucks that everyone in this chain is so condescending. I also have not ...
you are serializing the whole ModelState.Value object. just map the error to what your want (say just a list of the errors):复制 return BadRequest(ModelState.Values.Aggregate( new List<string>(), (a,c) => { a.AddRange(c.Errors.Select(r => r.ErrorMessage)); return a; }, a =...
Our brains are arguable the most complex single object in the known universe. 85 billion neurone cells plus another 85 billion other cell types. Each neurone are electronically excitable cells with between 10, 000 to 100,000 connections creating neurone networks that train the flow of electrons ...
An asset class is a grouping ofinvestmentsthat exhibit similar characteristics and are subject to the same laws and regulations. Asset classes are thus made up of instruments that often behave similarly to one another in the marketplace. Examples of common asset classes include equities, fixed inco...