(PowerShell is installed by default on Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 S1 and later, and cmd.exe is quite fiddly, so PowerShell is recommended for most Windows users.)PackagesCross-platformPackage ManagerPackageCommand asdf just asdf plugin add just asdf install just <version> Cargo...
Add mobile local framework reference support Feb 21, 2023 UseLocalFramework.sh Add mobile local framework reference support Feb 21, 2023 UseLocalResources.ps1 Add helper scripts for using local resources Nov 12, 2022 UseLocalResources.sh Add helper scripts for using local resources ...
getChildren().addAll(head, firstLeaderLine, secondLeaderLine, mainTitle, subTitleRect, subTitle); calloutAnimation.stop(); getChildren().forEach(node -> node.setVisible(false)); calloutAnimation.play(); Conclusion By using JavaFX’s animation API and simple shapes it was pretty easy to create...
Request access to a JIT-enabled VM using PowerShell In the following example, you can see a just-in-time VM access request to a specific VM for port 22, for a specific IP address, and for a specific amount of time: Run the following commands in PowerShell: ...
I will add more commands and functions soon. Still tune. Download: https://github.com/oakkar7/ATester oakkar7 okelectronic.wordpress.com Share this: Mostly, I posted tech articles in my blog. But for now, things are worse than ever. Relentless monsoon rains in Myanmar have triggered flash...
Run the following commands: 1234 $ terraform init $ terraform plan -var="do_token=$DOTOKEN" -var="ssh_key_name=$SSHKEYNAME" - Output will end with: Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy. $ terraform apply -var="do_token=$DOTOKEN" -var="ssh_key_name=$SSHKEYNAME" If yo...
AddPowercli-NativeApplication Created above Make sureallatclaimsandOpenIDare selected. Select Application Under Server Applications, Note Client ID (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx) This was validated using a windows 10 VM Logged in as the privileged user Running Powershell 5.1.17763.2183 and VMw...
The end result is that an essential and massively used set of tools from 50 years ago will be just as essential and just as used 50 years hence. To the many freedoms FOSS grants, we can add that of looking ahead as far as you can see and quietly start the business of evolution to ...
fileStoreModule.addServices(StorageService.class) .visibleIn(Visibility.application); domainLayer.uses(persistenceLayer); return assembler; } }); application.activate(); First of all we create the “domain” layer. This layer is supposed to contain the module “person”. A module can contain enti...
You can also control the JetStream plug-in directly by typingcommandsinto the dialog. All versions of Jetstream itself are FREE. JetStream’s one-touch operationlets you enter notes, add dynamics, articulations, phrase marks, edit content, and much more. ...