CCS Chemistry已推出Immediate Online Accepted(IOA)功能,稿件一经接收即可上线。IOA的上线将有效缩短文章发表周期,使读者第一时间阅读到发表在CCS Chemistry最新最前沿的科研成果。 IOA文章将以其原始形式(即作者投稿时原始文档的PDF版)发布在CCS Chemistry官网“Just Accepted”栏目https://www.chinesechemsoc.org/...
Society provides “Just Accepted” as a free service to the research community to expedite thedissemination of scientific material as soon as possible after acceptance.“Just Accepted” manuscriptsappear in full in PDF format accompanied by an HTML abstract.“Just Accepted” manuscripts have been...
acceptance.“JustAccepted”manuscriptsappearinfullinPDFformat.“JustAccepted” manuscriptshavebeenfullypeerreviewed,butshouldnotbeconsideredtheofficial versionofrecord.TheyareaccessibletoallreadersandcitablebytheDigitalObject Identifier(DOI®).“JustAccepted”isanoptionalserviceofferedtoauthors.Therefore,the ...
Society provides “Just Accepted” as a free service to the research community to expedite thedissemination of scientific material as soon as possible after acceptance.“Just Accepted” manuscriptsappear in full in PDF format accompanied by an HTML abstract.“Just Accepted” manuscripts have been...
hulei2009 金虫(初入文坛)应助: 0(幼儿园)金币: 826.5 帖子: 38 在线: 133.2小时 虫号: ...
“Just Accepted” manuscript. The DOI remains constant to ensure that citations to “Just Accepted...
Just AcceptedThe articles in “Just Accepted” have been peer reviewed and accepted on a conditional basis. They are in the process of editing and proofreading. The issue and page number are not determined yet.A survey of training needs for integrated medical, preventive, and managerial key ...
Just Accepted : Biological Chemistry
I have accepted that advice. It’s therefore with great hope that I declare COVID-19 over as a global health emergency. [55] Calculated with data from: a) Dataset: “Table 3.1. Government Current Receipts and Expenditures [Billions of dollars].” U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Last ...