满意答案 just:正确的,合理的,在这里用作形容词。accepted:公认的,可以接受的。manuscript:手稿,稿件,有强调原稿的意思。 00分享举报您可能感兴趣的内容广告 认证fscFSC证书13739174745,成本控制,出证迅速! 认证fsc找<朝彩FSC13739174745>,帮您快速,顺利通过认证fsc! 认证fsc13739174745专业FSC认证咨询辅导,价格合理 , ...
just accepted manuscript 只接受稿件
翻译:已经介绍稿子 投paper的时候杂志期刊表示已收到你的稿件
in the journal.After a manuscript is technically edited and formatted,it will be removed from the “JustAccepted” Web site and published as an ASAP article.Note that technical editing may introduce minorchanges to the manuscript text and/or graphics which could affect content,and all legal ...
readers and citable by the Digital Object Identifier (DOI®).“Just Accepted” is an optional service offeredto authors.Therefore,the “Just Accepted” Web site may not include all articles that will be publishedin the journal.After a manuscript is technically edited and formatted,it will be ...
大家好, 小弟刚刚投了一篇文章到Crystal Growth & Design杂志,投稿时有一个选项是选投稿的种类,我当时选了Just Accepted Manuscript。以前投文章没遇见有这种选择的,也不明白这是什么意思。 希望哪位有经验的前辈给予指点,谢谢大家。 返回小木虫查看更多分享
hulei2009 金虫(初入文坛)应助: 0(幼儿园)金币: 826.5 帖子: 38 在线: 133.2小时 虫号: ...
just accepted manuscript of molecular imaging and nanomedicine, national institute of biomedical imaging and bioengineering (nibib)cardiac gatingcardiac MR imagingultrasound DopplerThe following abstracts of diagnostic radiology research and training grants funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) ...
SciChinaInfSci,JustAcceptedManuscript•DOI:10.1007/s11432-014-5276-4 PublicationDate(Web):8Jan2015 JustAccepted “JustAccepted”manuscriptshavebeenpeer-reviewedandacceptedforpublication.They arepostedonlinepriortotechnicalediting,formattingforpublicationandauthorproofing. TheScienceChinaPress(SCP)provides“JustAcc...