If you served jury duty, you may have received pay from the court for your time. If so, that income is taxable and you must report it at tax time. You may also have incurred expenses to perform your civic duty, which the court may have reimbursed you for
How can doing your "civic duty" as some on here claim, actually put you out of pocket, or vacation time? Some employers [but not all] will continue to pay salaried employees [for some time] while they are on jury duty. Others cannot afford to do so. Hourly workers typically are ...
A Navy Veteran Showed Up For Jury Duty. The Judge Sent Him To Jail For Not Wearing A Mask. | Eastern North Carolina Now A North Carolina Superior Court judge ordered a prospective juror to spend 24 hours in jail after he refused to wear a mask in the c...
Laffitte served as a conservator for several of Murdaugh’s clients. PMPED had to repay conservator fees as well. Murdaugh used the money to pay on personal loans, pay on loans taken out of other client accounts, make payments on a boat, and pay family members. Waters asks how long Secki...