Bill Coates
jurydutypostponefaqsscottsdalejuror JuryDutyFAQs 1.CanIpostponemyjuryduty? Yes,howeveryoucanonlypostponejurydutyonetimeforeither60or90days. Topostponeyourjurydutydateonline, TopostponeyourjurydutydatebytelephonepleasecalltheMaricopaCountySuperiorCourtJuryCenterat602 ...
The grand jury charged Burt Colucci of the National Socialist Movement Corporation on Jan. 4 in Maricopa County superior court with three counts of disorderly conduct. Two of the counts are misdemeanors and one is a felony, according to the indictment released by the county Attorney's Office. R...
The jury agreed with London-based Standard Chartered that Price Waterhouse bungled its audit of United Bank in 1985 and 1986. The British company had alleged in a Maricopa County Superior Court lawsuit that Price Waterhouse failed to alert the firm to bad loans on the bank’s books and gros...