RANCANG BANGUN APLIKASI BERBASIS WEB PADA SMK YAPEMDA 1 BERBAH SEBAGAI SARANA PEMBELAJARAN DAN INFORMASI Learning and information is the two programs to work there has to be at a school, don't see whether the school is public and private schools, such as SMK Y... M Barokah,EH Saputra 被...
PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN SENI RUPA DI KELAS X PROGRAM STUDI MULTIMEDIA SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEJURUAN (SMK) WIHDATUL UMMAH GONDANGREJO KARANGNYAR TAHUN AJARAN 2012/2013 Metode yang digunakan yaitu: ceramah, tanya jawab, penugasan, dan demonstrasi. Evaluasi pembelajaran, terdiri dari: hasil rata-rata nila...
PENGARUH PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA DAN SASTRA INDONESIA TERHADAP PEMANFAATAN PERPUSTAKAAN OLEH SISWA KELAS XII SMK NEGERI 1 PEDAN KABUPATEN KLATENSri Rahayu (2013) Studies Influence Learning Indonesian Language and Literature Against the Use of ... Sri Rahayu 被引量: 0发表: 2013年 Penerapan Metode Conte...
Selain itu, beberapa universitas di Indonesia mendorong agar mahasiswa memilih penjurusan bidang sedini mungkin. Beberapa program studi bahkan sudah sangat spesifik sejak semester awal. Di Universitas Bina Nusantara (BINUS), misalnya, ada program studiMobile Application & Technol...
Result identifies problem point out that students physical condition on Xclass majors son of TKBB SMK N 5 Pekanbaru was maximal especially onmuscular explosive power . One of effort to increase explosive power thatcorrectness is election form effective and efficient training. Therefore thisresearch int...
摘要: According to profession bill, a worker has to be certified. Several efforts could be conducted to make graduate of Mechanical Engineering Education Department accepted as an engineer. They are: reviewing the curriculum, add more 20 Â SKS Â of subjects connected with profession engineer ...
PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN MENULIS CERITA PENDEK (STUDI KASUS DI KELAS XI SMK NEGERI 5 SURAKARTA) T he purposes of the research are to describe and to explain the learning process of short-story writing based on Curriculum 2013 which includes teachers' ... H Fachrunisa,B Setiawan,A Rakhmawati...