PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PKN MELALUI MEDIA CROSSWORD PUZZLEThe Effort of Student Study Results on Civic Education through Crosswords Puzzle Medium (To Student class of VIII-3 SMPN 1 Barunawati on Jl. X-III Aipda K.S. Tubun II/III No. 7 Slipi-Jakarta Barat). ...
PENGARUH MINAT BELAJAR SISWA TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR PKn SISWA SMP NEGERI 32 JAKARTAThis research aims to obtain empirical data about student learning Interest Influence On Learning Outcomes Students of SMP Negeri PKn 32 Jakarta. The research method used is expost facto methods with quantitative ...
Perbandingan hasil belajar mata pelajaran elektronika dasar terapan antara siswa yang diajar menggunakan macromedia falsh 8 dengan yang di ajar menggunakan power pointFrom the comparison of results of learning basic electronics subjects applied between students who were taught using Macromedia Flash 8 ...
Teachers should be more mengusai trainer how to use the facility, so that more optimal use of this facility. Giving freedom to the students at the time vacant to carry out practical work using the facilities under the supervision of a teacher trainer but concerned.Billy M.H. Kilis...
HUBUNGAN ANTARA MOTIVASI BELAJAR DENGAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA PADA MATA PELAJARAN PKn DI SMPN 77 JAKARTAThis study aims to obtain data on how far the relationship between motivation to learn with the learning outcomes of students in school. Method used is the correlation with quantitative approach....
While the linearity regression test produces F_tabel F_hitung of 0.99 and of 2.90 (F_hitung t_tabel). Determination test producesof .4775 or 47.75%. This shows that the variable X contribute to the variable Y by 47.75%Priska Yulia WibowoNadirohEtin Solihatin...
PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE JIGSAW I TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR PPKN SISWA DI SMA NEGERI 30 JAKARTA (Studi Eksperimen Terhadap Siswa Kelas XI di SMA Negeri 30 Jakarta)METI SETIASARI, Effects of Cooperative Learning Model Jigsaw I Against Civics Student Learning Outcomes (Experimental ...