ECONOMIC GROWTH AND EMPLOYMENT RATE IN LAMPUNG PROVINCEPERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DAN PENYERAPAN TENAGA KERJA \\DIPROVINSI LAMPUNG This study aims to analyze the influence of the independent variables in real GDP, realwages, capital in agriculture, and Implicit Price Index on the depen... Nindya Eka So...
ANALISIS KEBUTUHAN MODAL DAN TINGKAT PENYERAPAN TENAGA KERJA DI PT REA KALTIM PLANTATIONSOil palm is one of the plantation commodities. This commodities has a big potential production to development. This research executed in PT. REA Kaltim Plantations. Datas taken away from Plantation Department ...
Dinas tenaga Kerja Palembang City is one of the government agencies that provide services to one community service to improve the competence of the people in the field of data manually skills. Pengolahan...