PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN COOPERATIVE LEARNING TYPE GROUP INVESTIGATION TERHADAP MOTIVASI BELAJAR PENDIDIKAN PANCASILA DAN KEWARGANEGARAN (PPKN)The purpose of this research is to know how much influence teaching model of cooperative learning to Motivation in Subjects of PPKn .This research using ...
Articles Implementasi Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Pramuka Dalam Meningkatkan Kepercayaan Diri Siswa di MTs Al-Muta’allimin Patokbeusi Subang Nur Hanifah, Lela Salamah Solihatudiniyah, Iman Nuralim, Mondari Mondari, Khoirul Azkiya, Tarsono Tarsono ...
PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN INNOVATIVE TERHADAP CAPAIAN KOMPETENSI STANDAR MAHASISWA DIII GIZI DALAM PENGUKURAN ASUPAN, MONITORING DAN EVALUASI GIZI MAKANANMethods: This is a quasi-experimental study with a model of inquiry learning intervention training and concept models Attainment. Sample size is ...
The result of this research showed that Jigsaw model could grow the students' motivation and increase the learning achievement. Based on the result of the research, Jigsaw cooperative learning model can be applied as one of alternatives in carrying out the learning activities wellSupriono...
UPAYA MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KRITIS SISWA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PKN MELALUI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE CIRC (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition)This study uses action research (Action Research). Performed in three cycles, each cycle consisting of four stages, namely planning, ...
This research was conducted with the aim to improve the learning activities of students in learning through PPKN discussion model Buzz Group . This research using research methods class action is done in two cycles, each of which consists of four stages, planning, action, observing, and ...