PENGARUH MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN AUDIO VISUAL DAN SLIDE TERHADAP MOTIVASI BELAJAR PKN SISWAThis study aims to gain knowledge based on verifiable data or facts, about whether there is an audio visual media influence learning and motivation to learn slide on Civics. The method used is the comparative ...
Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas III pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Dengan Media Pembelajaran Audio-Visual di SD Negeri Pasirjati Amanda Tiara Natasya, Tiara Rahmawati, Budi Kurnia PDF Download 58 times Abstract View : 61 times | Pages 1372-1375 Penerapan Perencanaan Pembelajaran Te...
Finally it comes to some future works, that may be done to develop teaching- learning media using computer technology, that is as suitable for the teacher as it is sophisticated for IT experts.Nenny Septiana
Sebagai Media Alternatif Pembelajaran Menulis Paragraf Persuasif dan Penguasaan Ejaan yang DisempurnakanThe learning of Software Microsoft Office 2003 Edition Indonesian Interface Pack is one of the learning activities choosen for teaching persuasive paragraph writing and spelling. The learning increased ...
The re- sult of this study shows that the usage and development of media of learning presentation for geography is suitable with the characteristics of basic competition, students, time allotment for learning process, and the equipment of ICT media is available to support the learing pro- cess....
PENGEMBANGAN WEBSITE E-LEARNING SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN PPKN UNTUK SISWA SMPThis research purpose is to design a e-learning website with subject PPKn which has function to be a learning media for junior high school students, to help them study PPKn. This research scheduled since February ...
PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN INNOVATIVE TERHADAP CAPAIAN KOMPETENSI STANDAR MAHASISWA DIII GIZI DALAM PENGUKURAN ASUPAN, MONITORING DAN EVALUASI GIZI MAKANANMethods: This is a quasi-experimental study with a model of inquiry learning intervention training and concept models Attainment. Sample size is ...
PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PKN MELALUI MEDIA CROSSWORD PUZZLEThe Effort of Student Study Results on Civic Education through Crosswords Puzzle Medium (To Student class of VIII-3 SMPN 1 Barunawati on Jl. X-III Aipda K.S. Tubun II/III No. 7 Slipi-Jakarta Barat). ...