Analisismodelsistemdengan FUZZY MAMDANI.menggunakan sistem inferensi 2. Studi Lapanganfuzzy metode mamdaniPada tahap ini dilakukan penelitian 4. Aplikasi yang digunakan adalahuntuk memperoleh data secaraMATLAB R2010a.langsung dari mahasiswa de...
PENYELESAIAN SISTEM DESKRIPTOR LINIER DISKRIT BEBAS WAKTU DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE DEKOMPOSISI KANONIKThe linear discrete descriptor systems are used in many applications, espe- cially in mathematical modeling for biology, economics and electrical engineering. In this paper, the solving of ...
Hasil pengukuran status gizi dengan menggunakan metode SGA menghasilkan hal yang sama seperti pada metode IMT yaitu status gizi tidak normal lebih banyak dari pada status gizi normal seperti terlihat ...
So the total time required to complete a construction project is also expressed in a range of times, thus the use of PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Technique) to evaluate construction time is considered to be more realistic. An ...
UPAYA PENINGKATAN KOMPETENSI MAHASISWA POLITEKNIK PERKAPALAN NEGERI SURABAYA DENGAN METODE ACCELERATED LEARNING DALAMIn reality, english has become one of the biggest obstacles faced by most students especially Design Construction students of Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya (PPNS). It is mainly caused...
From discriminant analysis, the result found that the ratio can be used to predict group differences before and after the presence of the FSA are LDR and NPM.Meriantidan Teddy Chandra
SINTESIS FASA AURIVILLIUS LAPIS EMPAT SrBi4-xLaxTi4O15 DENGAN METODE LELEHAN GARAMSynthesis of four layers Aurivillius phase SrBi4-xLaxTi4O15 (x = 0 and 0,5) has been carried out by molten salts method using eutectic mixture Na2SO4/K2SO4 (1:1 molar ratio) as the flux. The ...