PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI PENJUALAN PAKAIAN BERBASIS WEB PADA TOKO C2 COLECTION BEKASIThe technology and information are growing rapidly so that possibly to everyone from the whole world can access the information easily which they needed in a short time. Every living factors are really helped ...
Analisismodelsistemdengan FUZZY MAMDANI.menggunakan sistem inferensi 2. Studi Lapanganfuzzy metode mamdaniPada tahap ini dilakukan penelitian 4. Aplikasi yang digunakan adalahuntuk memperoleh data secaraMATLAB R2010a.langsung dari mahasiswa deng...
5.ANALISIS DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN BERITA HASIL LIPUTAN WARTAWAN 机译:新闻管理信息系统的分析与设计记者报道的结果 作者:Nori Sahrun 期刊名称:《Jurnal Teknologi (Yogyakarta)》 | 2020年第2期 关键词: Sistem InformasiBeritawartawanWebsiteSmartphone; 6.PEMBUATAN APLIKASI PERIKLANAN SUSU...
Many convenience we will get with the internet, lies in its ability to facilitate a good job to spread or get information. In the field of technology has many stores or gallery painting that set the company's technological in developing it's business. As internet users, because the existence...
In the business world, the Internet is used as a medium to promote products produced by the company to the public. Media promotion via the Internet can be done in a way to make a web company.The final task of web-based product information systems PT. Sigma & Hearts Indonesia is made ...