of any of these bodieshavejurisdiction overthesubject matterofthis Agreement, the said provision shall deemed [...] mibd-gold.com mibd-gold.com 在終止後,萬兆豐國際金業可以依前述規定清算客戶的帳 18.5 如本協定有任何條文與任何巿場或任何主權地、政府、正常機構及任何對本協議之內容具有司法管轄權的...
网络无管辖权 网络释义 1. 无管辖权 ...涉外民事管辖权抗辩的主要对象;(2)法院对诉讼标的无管辖权(Lack of Jurisdiction over Subject Matter);(3)传唤令 … fxylib.znufe.edu.cn|基于 1 个网页
which bind the parties to a lawsuit, as opposed to subject-matter jurisdiction, which is jurisdiction over the law involved in the suit. Without personal jurisdiction over a party, a court’s rulings or decrees cannot be enforced upon that party, except by comity; i.e., ...
aThe Second Circuit has also held that “[c]ustomarily, a federal court first resolves any doubts about its jurisdiction over the subject matter of a case before reaching the merits or otherwise disposing of the case.” 第二条电路也保持“(c) ustomarily,联邦法庭在到达优点或否则处理盒之前首先...
the court's subject matter jurisdiction: 法院对诉讼标的的管辖权 the affirmative defense of statute of limitations: 有效时限法令的肯定抗辩 lack of personal jurisdiction: 缺乏属人管辖
不过现有译本一般都将subject matter jurisdiction译为“事项管辖权”,考虑到这一译法已基本约定俗成,而且也大致反映了这一制度的基本内涵,本书放弃了将subject matter jurisdiction译为“对事管辖权”或译为“诉讼标的管辖权”的初衷。此外,还有译本中将personal jurisdiction译为“人事管辖权”,但“人事...
Subject matter jurisdictionshould not be confused with venue. 对事管辖权不能同管辖地问题相混淆. 互联网 This Court hassubject matter jurisdictionover this action. 本法院有此件诉讼事件的管辖权. 互联网 Read the following scenarios and decide which courts would havesubject matter jurisdictionover your ...
connection with, this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby shall be brought in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York or any New York State court sitting in New York City, so long as one of such courts shall have subject matter jurisdiction over ...
(b)Each party irrevocably agrees to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Cayman Islands over any claim or matter arising under or in connection with this Agreement or the legal relationship established by this Agreement.适用法律与管辖权 (a)本协议适用开曼群岛法律并依其...
地区法院确定其具有诉讼标的管辖权(subject-matter jurisdiction),认定其依据宾夕法尼亚法律不具有对中化公司的属人管辖 … www.ccmt.org.cn|基于22个网页 2. 属物管辖权 电子商务概论教学... ... Jurisdiction on the Internet 互联网上的管辖权 7.1.3Subject-matter Jurisdiction属物管辖权7.1.4 ... ...