Recently, the High Court of Tanzania in the cases of Hamisi Ammri, Burton Nyerema, and Ester Rogatio, held that district courts have no jurisdiction of handling matrimonial disputes based on customary marriage without first seeking for leave of the High Court. Primary Courts on the other hand...
Up to now, 26 African states have recognised the jurisdiction of the Court, and five of these – Mali, Malawi, Tanzania, Burkina Faso and Ghana – have also recognised petitions submitted by individuals. In 2008, the Court passed its provisional Rules of Alle anderen Richter...
MODIFIED ORIGINAL JURISDICTION OF DISTRICT AND PRIMARY COURTS IN MATRIMONIAL PROCEEDINGS IN TANZANIA The Law of Marriage Act [LMA] is a product of integration of personal laws. From inception, the LMA vested original concurrent jurisdiction in matrimonial proceedings to the High Court, a court of a...