昆士兰大学,八大唯一坐落在布里斯班的学校,但非常sorry没有开设JD program,想去黄金海岸就考虑下邦德吧! UTS悉尼科技大学,虽然非八大,但在本地的名气其实也很大,非常推荐Juris Doctor Graduate Certificate in Professional Legal Practice,也是3年的项目,但是包括了PLT课程,节省半年时间。 担心法律证太难拿不下来的同学,...
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Australia has a subsidized higher education for students pursuing the undergraduate degrees. They also give loan and grants for the post graduate students. Higher learning starts at undergraduate degree level to a doctoral degree offered in any field of study. A Juris Doctor (JD) is an advanced ...
链接:https://www.uwa.edu.au/study/courses/juris-doctor#course-details 来源:西澳大学官网 截图来自西澳大学官网 截图来自西澳大学官网 截图来自西澳大学官网 认证 该课程受Legal Practice Board of Western Australia认证。相信了解过澳洲律师专业移民的人也知道,澳洲的法律专业在移民清单上有2个:出庭律师 (Barrister...
英国约克大学Law (Juris Doctor)专业项目网站 Law (Juris Doctor) 英国公立法律 项目背景 ` 更新时间:2024-09-30 专业排名151 大学英国约克大学 开学时间9月 课程学制3年 学费25800.00/GBP 专业介绍 Learn from experienced legal professionals and world-class academics as you immerse yourself in realistic simulat...
high reputation internationally. If you are interested in applying for the Juris Doctor (JD) in ...
Juris effectus in executione consistit Juris et de jure Juris prudentes Juris prudentes Juris prudentes Juris prudentes Juris prudentes Juris Scientiae Doctor Juris Scientiae Magister Juris utriusque doctor Juris-Classeur Périodique Juris-Classeur Périodique, Edition Entreprise Juris-Classeur Périodique, ...
UpinreceivedhisJuris Doctorfromthe University of Minnesota Law School and holds a bachelor's degree from Brandeis University in Waltham, MA. tipschina.gov.cn tipschina.gov.cn Upin拥有明尼苏达州大学法学院的法学博士学位,以及马萨诸塞州沃尔萨姆布兰迪斯大学的学士学位。