- Jurassic World™: The Game offers a monthly subscription at USD $9.99, and a yearly subscription at USD $99.99; please note prices may vary depending on sales taxes or countries. - Jurassic World™: The Game also offers a Free 7-day trial; user will be automatically enrolled into a...
與熱門作品《Jurassic Park™ Builder》的建造者一同回到努布拉島,並在《Jurassic World™:遊戲》中展開下一段冒險。這款史詩級動作冒險的官方手機遊戲將於今夏隆重推出。300 多種巨型 恐龍將獲得新生,讓你在驚天動地的恐龍對決中挑戰對手。在這個無可比擬建造並戰鬥
在《Jurassic World 適者生存》中讓恐龍起死回生! 恐龍重返地球主宰大權,牠們將橫行於你的世界。探索你鄰近的區域尋找你最愛的侏羅紀世界恐龍,其中包括比以往更令人震懾人心與戰慄的新物種! 探索你的世界,收集史詩級恐龍的 DNA 以升級並在實驗室中創造混種生物。打造
The Dinosaur of the Week is a completely unlocked digital dinosaur that you can play with in the Jurassic World Play App each week! With a different dinosaur unlocked weekly, you can select that dinosaur and enjoy the App’s features, including the Dinosaur in Your World experience and the ...
宝宝巴士恐龙家园游戏采用简约卡通风格所打造的一款儿童手游。通过游戏来学习关于恐龙的支持,通过置身探索的方式来感受这个传说中的侏罗纪世界,游戏提供了多种玩法,感兴趣的朋友不妨来畅玩一番。 宝宝恐龙家园手游介绍 想回到侏罗纪时代看恐龙,并且深入地了解它们吗?那就快跟着熊猫奇奇一起穿越时空,到达奇妙的远古时代,探索...
价格:29.99美元 头显:Oculus Quest系列 商店:Quest Store 评分:4.40/5分(评分数:2399,评论数:0) 更新:2024年6月30日 分类:游戏 玩法:单机 题材:动作 开发商:Coatsink Software 发行商:Coatsink Software Jurassic World Aftermath Collection is a suspenseful, survival VR adventure set two years after the fal...
名稱:Jurassic World Evolution 2: Secret Species Pack 類型:模擬,策略 開發人員:Frontier Developments 發行商:Frontier Developments 系列作:Frontier Developments,FrontierDev 發行日期:2024 年 3 月 13 日 檢視更新歷史記錄閱讀相關新聞尋找社群群組 嵌入
Hack Features: - Dino Don't Move - Infinite Battery - VIP Enabled This iOS IPA hack is now using the new Jailed iGMenu! Cheat features can now be turned ON/OFF via the iOSGods Mod Menu in-game. If sideloading with Sideloadly, please log out of Game Cente
Purchase the Jurassic World Evolution 2: Dominion Bundle and get Frontier’s critically acclaimed base game along with two expansive DLC packs. Adopt and care for all-new prehistoric species, take on exciting new missions, and build your dream dinosaur park. Jurassic World Evolution 2: Dominion ...
Take charge of operations on the legendary islands of the Muertes archipelago and bring the wonder, majesty and danger of dinosaurs to life. Build for Science, Entertainment or Security interests in an uncertain world where life always finds a way. Bioengineer dinosaurs that think, feel and react...