Bring dinosaurs to life in Jurassic World Alive! Dinosaurs have returned to rule the Earth, and they’re roaming free in your world. Explore your surrounding area to find your favorite Jurassic World dinosaurs, including new breeds that are more awe-inspiring and terrifying than ever before! Dis...
在《Jurassic World 適者生存》中讓恐龍起死回生! 恐龍重返地球主宰大權,牠們將橫行於你的世界。探索你鄰近的區域尋找你最愛的侏羅紀世界恐龍,其中包括比以往更令人震懾人心與戰慄的新物種! 探索你的世界,收集史詩級恐龍的 DNA 以升級並在實驗室中創造混種生物。打造
Won’t work It doesn’t let me do anything. I have been trying to scan my sons dinosaurs but I can’t even get to the scan option. Nothing works on it and my 4 year old Dino obsessed kid is very disappointed Well done guys you made the ultimate game with facts and scanning BUT ...
My sons were excited about the new line of Jurassic World toys with a new style of DNA scanning pieces. We bought two new dinos and updated the app to check it out, only to find out that their entire collection of dinosaurs from years past is not on the app now! The new version doe...