外研社选修6 module 6 Jurassic Park(课堂PPT)JurassicPark ---ScientificFactorHollywoodFiction?1 Whatisitabout?JurassicParkisaHollywoodfilmaboutlivingdinosaurswhichhavebeenclonedfromdinosaurDNAfoundinprehistoricmosquitoes.Doyouthinkitisafactorafiction?2 1.eccentric:verystrange;odd 2.prehistoric:beforerecordedhistory...
Whole rock Brora coal shows Te enrichment compared to estimates of world average Te coal compositions, but more significant Te enrichment occurs in the rims of discrete pyrite phases. Anomalous Te coincides with Se and Hg in the pyritic rim, suggesting incorporation of these elements during the ...