Jurassic World Evolution: Jurassic Park Edition58.99US$ 游戏介绍 Take charge of operations on the legendary islands of the Muertes archipelago and bring the wonder, majesty and danger of dinosaurs to life. Build for Science, Entertainment or Security interests in an uncertain world where life al...
Jurassic World Evolution 2 on Frontierin mullistavan Jurassic World Evolution -hallintosimulaation (2018) odotettu jatko-osa, joka tarjoaa uuden Jurssic World -elokuvasarjan näyttelijöiden ääninäyttelemän tarinakampanjan, jännittäviä uusia ominaisuuksia, neljä kiehtovaa ...
Buy Jurassic World Evolution 2 for PS4 and PS5. Avoid the mistakes of the past and build your own sanctuary for dinosaurs and visitors alike.
Jurassic World Evolution 2 is the much-anticipated sequel to Frontier’s ground-breaking 2018 management simulation, Jurassic World Evolution, offering an all new narrative campaign voiced by cast members from across the Jurassic World film franchise, exciting new features, four engaging game modes, ...
Jurassic World Evolution$13.49$89.95折扣持续到 12/21/2024 2:59 a.m.6870 Jurassic World Evolution Deluxe Edition$14.69$97.95折扣持续到 12/21/2024 2:59 a.m.70 Jurassic World Evolution: Jurassic Park Edition$16.94 游戏介绍 Expand your dinosaur collection in Jurassic World Evolution with a selectio...
【5.05】PS4《侏罗纪世界:进化2 Jurassic World Evolution 2》中文版PKG下载【1.30补丁+10DLC+中文语音】!这是一款模拟类型的 游戏,根据经典电影侏罗纪世界为基础改编,玩家将在游戏中打造自己的恐龙主题公园。 《侏罗纪世界:进化 2》是Frontier成就非凡的游戏《侏罗纪世界:进化》续作,以2018年极富开创性且充满沉浸感的...
equal Also Jurassic World Evolution: Jurassic Park Edition游戏介绍Погрузитесьвмирюрскогопериодаипостройтесвойтематическийпарк. Биоинженерияпоможетсоздатьдинозавров, спос...
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《Jurassic World Evolution 2》以其創新臨場感十足的前作為基礎,採用玩家喜愛的方式來建構。首先,遊戲具有全新的原創侏羅紀敘事戰役。故事繼《Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom》驚天動地的事件之後發展,玩家將與《侏羅紀世界》電影系列的代表性角色(包括由Jeff Goldblum擔任配音的馬康姆博士Dr. Ian Malcolm,以及由Bryce...