During the 2023 Game Awards, fans got to watch the reveal trailer forJurassic Park Survival. Set in the immediate aftermath of the originalJurassic Parkfilm, players will take on the role of Dr. May Joshi, a scientist left behind when the characters from the movie escaped. The trailer mostly...
An intense survival horror game set within the Jurassic Park franchise has been revealed at 2023's The Game Awards.
Jurassic Park: Survival was meant to be an action-horror third-person shooter, developed by Savage Entertainment and published by Konami and Vivendi Universal Games, planned to be released in the Fall of 2001 for the PlayStation 2 and the Xbox, with GameCube and Windows versio...
"Universal and game developer Telltale are teaming up to create a new Jurassic Park game, unlike anything you've ever seen before!" Jurassic Park: The Game is an episodic downloadable, third-person adventure game; set sometime during the system failure o
The Jurassic Park franchise is a series of books, films and video games centering on the attempt to create a theme park of cloned dinosaurs. It began in 1990 when Universal Studios bought the rights to the novel by Michael Crichton before it was even published. ...
The ultimate destination for Jurassic Park fans, offering a wide range of news and discussion on all things Jurassic Park
Its best achievement is the combination of exploration that games likeZeldaandMetroidmade so popularwith elements of survival horror like would be later seen in titles such asResident Evil. The game was daring to be something unique, which is more than can be said for mostJurassic Parkgames. ...
We Need a Jurassic Park Survival Horror Video Game We've had a number of Jurassic Park video games over the years but there is a big opportunity still sitting out there for the taking. By Ryan Scott Mar 4, 2021 Movie News Jurassic World 3: Sam Neill Says They Shot a Six-Hour Mo...
One part crossy style hopper.One part Dinosaur survival game.All Awesome.The ultimate Dinosaur survival game for mobile. Compete with friends for highest online score! Dynamically created levels (never play the same thing twice!) Challenging scenarios! Destructible environments! Awesome roster of cool...
3 Sorry We're Closed review: "Resident Evil 4 and Silent Hill can't match this neon-soaked survival horror for its sheer inventiveness" 4 Lego Horizon Adventures review: "Brilliantly rebuilds this PlayStation icon" 5 Codenames review: "The ultimate pick-up-and-play party game"GamesRadar...