Jurassic Park III A decidedly odd couple with ulterior motives convince Dr. Grant to go to Isla Sorna for a holiday, but their unexpected landing startles the island's new inhabitants. Title Summary All ReleasesOriginal ReleaseOriginal Release...
In every Jurassic Park movie, InGen causes a variety of problems for the protagonists. In The Lost World they even go so far as to unleash a full-grown Tyrannosaurus in San Diego. Jurassic World is no different; they are the government entity trying to train and then weaponize dinosaurs...
They forgot why we loved Jurassic Park When I go to a Jurassic Park movie, I want something above all else-hyper realistic dinosaurs in cool environments, seeing them frolic in natural habitat, defend territory, battle other dinos for dominance, hunt humans, and the like. From the opening is...
I love how they wrote it so that the park has already been open and has been functioning for this long. Now they did learn from the previous movies on that note until park satisfaction began to fall. So they needed a new way of bringing revenue in. In steps Indominus Rex. A ...
go with it and risk a disaster happening at your park. Improvement to the shops, food and drinks where you can provide to different types of crowds. All the shops looks can be customised and renamed to really make it unique from each other. Overall, I find the game alright. I really ...
Though now I kind of want to make the park now. I mean now that I know what the indominus Rex can do and watching the movies and seeing the parts that went wrong. People could actually, if they had the right equipment and technology. Recreate an actual living safe theme park. And I...
Jurassic Park isn’t even his problem anymore, but he still feels responsible for the dinosaurs and the damage they do. Hammond’s got a big idea: breed some new dinosaurs that can’t reproduce and introduce them into the wild population. A Judas strain that will kill off the dinosaurs wi...
They forgot why we loved Jurassic Park When I go to a Jurassic Park movie, I want something above all else-hyper realistic dinosaurs in cool environments, seeing them frolic in natural habitat, defend territory, battle other dinos for dominance, hunt humans, and the like. From the opening is...