我在笔记本的末尾包括了以下一行: !jupyter nbconvert --to script <filename>.ipynb 这将创建一个Python脚本。但是,我希望生成的.py文件具有以下属性: 没有输入语句,例如:# In27 没有标记,包括如下语句:#编码: utf-8 忽略%magic命令,例如: 1. `%matplotlib inline` 2. `!jupyter nbconvert --to script ...
Try to pip install the original package again in the normal way, this time it doesn't try to install pyzmq as it already exists but of course you may hit another error - if you do just pipwin install that package and repeat until it works. Alternatively You can loo...
use--jarsin Spark Config to upload a large file. (like in my case 350mb). This time I create them one by one (not create until the previous one is ready or fail). I created 5 notebooks, only the second one works, and the others get error. ...