例如英语国家使用的键盘布局,那么 Shift + Tab 可能无法使用。您可以尝试使用其他键盘布局,例如 ISO 键...
没有那个组合键 你按下去只是实现的Tab的功能,就是换行,那么你的光标就会消失因为你的关注点跑到了 字体或者表情或者聊天记录之类的按钮上去了,在点一下打字的那就好啦。
ipython是一个python的交互式shell,比默认的python shell好用得多,支持变量自动补全,自动缩进,支持bash...
Description As Written in the title the autocomplete does not work with me, I used to use it in the previous version of jupyter notebook but now I am using the latest version (3) , and it does not work even in the jupyter lab....
Chromium: 122.0.6261.156 Node.js: 20.9.0 V8: OS: Darwin arm64 24.1.0 Interpreter details: Python 3.11.4 Describe the issue: Jupyter Notebook style documentation using Shift + Tab is missing Steps to reproduce the issue: ...
选项卡 代码完成或缩进(如果启用了 Tab 陷阱) Control/Command + M 启用/禁用 Tab 陷阱 Control/Command + ] 缩进 Control/Command + [ 取消缩进 Control/Command + A 全选 Control/Command + Z 撤消 Control/Command + Shift + Z 重做 Control/Command + Y 重做 Control/Command + Home 转到单元格开头 Co...
To toggle line numbering for the entire notebook, useShift+Lwhen in command mode on any cell. Table of Contents To navigate through your notebook, open the File Explorer in the Activity Bar. Then open theOutlinetab in the Side Bar. ...
Working With Multiple Notebooks Next you’ll learn how JupyterLab helps you work with multiple notebooks. To do this, of course, you’ll need to create another notebook. Keep your Population Data notebook open and open a second one. To do this, click the New Launcher ‘+’ tab. Now la...
选项卡 代码完成或缩进(如果启用了 Tab 陷阱) Control/Command + M 启用/禁用 Tab 陷阱 Control/Command + ] 缩进 Control/Command + [ 取消缩进 Control/Command + A 全选 Control/Command + Z 撤消 Control/Command + Shift + Z 重做 Control/Command + Y 重做 Control/Command + Home 转到单元格开头 Co...