打开上述路径文件,Ctrl+F搜索#c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = '',改成如下 c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir ='/the/path/to/home/folder/'(forwardslash) 比如小虎的: c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir ="C:/Users/Anthony Dave/Desktop/Complier/" 设置路径翻译自How to change the Jupyter start-up folder 其他...
c.NotebookApp.allow_password_change = False # 是否允许远程访问 c.NotebookApp.allow_remote_access = True # IP c.NotebookApp.ip ='' # 端口 c.NotebookApp.port =9820 # 工作目录 c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir ='/usr/local/bin/jupyter' # 启动Jupyter Notebook之后是否打开浏览器 c.Not...
进入配置文件后查找关键词“c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir”。查找方法如下: 进入配置文件后不要按其他键,用英文半角直接输入/c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir,这时搜索的关键词已在文档中高亮显示了,按回车,光标从底部切换到文档正文中被查找关键词的首字母。 ⒞ 编辑配置文件 按小写i进入编辑模式,底部出现“--INSER...
You should now be able to see your kernel in the IPython notebook menu: Kernel -> Change kernel and be able so switch to it (you may need to refresh the page before it appears in the list). IPython will remember which kernel to use for that notebook from then on...
打开cmd(或Anaconda Prompt )并运行jupyter notebook --generate-config。 这会将文件写入C:\Users\username\.jupyter\jupyter_notebook_config.py。 定位到该文件位置并在编辑器中将其打开, 在文件中搜索以下行:#c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = ''
完成閱讀並執行什麼是 Jupyter Notebook區段中的儲存格之後,您就可以開始設定工作,從設定筆記本環境一節開始。 在筆記本的 [設定筆記本環境] 區段中執行第一個程式代碼數據格,其中包含下列程序代碼: Python # import some modules needed in this cellfrompathlibimportPathfromIPython.displayimportdisplay, HTML REQ_...
Jupyter: Create New Jupyter NotebookCreates a new Jupyter Notebook Notebook: Select Notebook KernelSelect or switch kernels within your notebook Notebook: Change Cell LanguageChange the language of the cell currently in focus Jupyter: Export to HTML Jupyter: Export to PDFCreate a presentation-frie...
The notebook will automatically find all Jupyter kernels installed on the connected compute instance. Change to any of the installed kernels using the kernel dropdown on the right. Manage packages Since your compute instance has multiple kernels, make sure use %pip or %conda magic functions, ...
and change: if (check_last_modified) { return this.contents.get(this.notebook_path, {content: false}).then( function (data) { To if(false) {... It might be due to an clock offset, you might be right. — Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub #...
Executes all cells in the notebook. Clear All Outputs Clears all outputs in the notebook. Delete Cell Deletes the current cell. Click this widget to select a cell type from the list or change the type for the selected cell. Click this widget to navigate to the last executed cell. Shows...