作为一个程序员,您可能已经熟悉了Jupyter Notebook这种交互式的代码编辑器。但是,如果您发现自己的Jupyter Notebook中缺少了一个名为"nbconvert"的工具,那么您可能会遇到类似于以下的错误提示。 “Error: Jupyter nbconvert is not installed” 这个错误提示意味着Jupyter Notebook的nbconvert工具没有安装成功。这个问题可...
无法安装jupyter-notebook 、 我正在尝试安装jupyter-notebook。我运行jupyter --h命令,它显示以下jupyter core : 4.6.3 jupyter-notebook : not installed qtconsole : 4.7.6: 5.10.0 ipykernel : 4.10.1 jupyter client : 5.3.5 jupyter lab : 0.33.12 所以为了安装,我运行pip install jupyter-notebook,它...
我正在尝试安装jupyter-notebook。我运行jupyter--h命令,它显示以下jupytercore : 4.6.3jupyter-notebook: not installed qtconsole : 4.7.6ipython : 5.10.0 ipykernel : 4.10.1jupyterclient : 5.3.5j 浏览45提问于2020-08-18得票数 0 4回答
# 安装Jupyter pip install Jupyter # 生成配置文件 jupyter notebook --generate-config # 配置密码 jupyter notebook password Enter password: [输入] Verify password: [输入] # 更改 jupyter_notebook_config.py文件 # vim ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py # c.NotebookApp.allow_remote_access = T...
对于没有经过特别配置的Jupyter Notebook,我们在导出文件为PDF时经常会出现以下报错: nbconvert failed: xelatex not found on PATH, if you have not installed xelatex you may need to do so. Find further instructions at https://nbconvert.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html#installing-tex...
比如,你可以通过第3步选定“Not installed”或搜索,找到还没安装的包,按照下图所示的步奏进行安装。如果包已经安装过了,下图中就不会出现第5步的“apply”按钮。 安装好了Anaconda,我们就可以使用Python了,在Anaconda中,我们可以通过Jupyter notebook 来达到这个目的。
该问题是traitlets库更新后, 导致旧版本(<6.5.3)的jupyter notebook无法正确引用(这就是Python的勾石兼容性),可以通过降级traitlets库来解决,或者更新jupyter notebook到新版本 1、降级trailets库(推荐更新jupyter notebook): install traitlets==5.9.0-cconda-forge ...
我是Python 新手,尝试使用以下命令从 Windows 命令提示符窗口中安装 Jupyter Notebook : {代码...} 但是在下载几分钟后,会显示一条错误消息,如下所示: {代码...} 我在这里附上了错误输出的最后一部分。 如...
So what's with this message? I can "import jupyter" in the project and I can run "jupyter notebook" from the command line. I also tried running a separate Jupyter and configuring PyCharm to connect to it, but that message doesn't go away and...
Exception: Jupyter commandjupyter-notebooknot found. how to fixed this Activity kevin-bates commentedon Apr 28, 2020 kevin-bates on Apr 28, 2020 Member This implies that notebook is not installed although I would have expected that to have happened when you installed jupyter. Runningjupyter --...