%%javascriptJupyter.keyboard_manager.command_shortcuts.add_shortcut('r', { help : 'run cell', help_index : 'zz', handler : function (event) { IPython.notebook.execute_cell(); return false; }}); “默认情况下,按键 r ,在命令模式下,将所选单元格的类型更改为 raw . 此快捷方式被前一个...
文件位置:~/.jupyter/custom/custom.js 修改方法: 在custom.js中加入以下javascript语句添加快捷键: Jupyter.keyboard_manager.command_shortcuts.add_shortcut('r',{help:'run cell',help_index:'zz',handler:function(event){IPython.notebook.execute_cell();returnfalse;}});...
%%javascriptJupyter.keyboard_manager.command_shortcuts.add_shortcut('r', {help:'run cell',help_index:'zz',handler: function(event) { IPython.notebook.execute_cell();returnfalse; }}); “默认情况下,按键 r ,在命令模式下,将所选单元格的类型更改为 raw . 此快捷方式被前一个单元格中的代码覆盖...
When you are inside an open notebook, the File | Open... menu option willopen the dashboard in a new browser tab, to allow you to open another notebookfrom the notebook directory or to create a new notebook. Note You can start more than one notebook server at the same time, if ...
I want to change the startup path of my jupyter notebook and find it suddenly shut down after I click the shortcut icon. I can hardly find out why. What I did for the change was just to change the path in profile of the Juperter notebook. Is there any thing I can do to tur...
Jupyter Notebook has an advanced built-in search plugin for finding text within a notebook or other document, which uses the {kbd}Ctrl-F({kbd}Cmd+Ffor macOS) shortcut by default. Your browser'sfindfunction will give unexpected results because it doesn't have access to the full content of...
In more recent notebook versions Shift-L should toggle for all cells. If you can't remember the shortcut, bring up the command palette Ctrl-Shift+P (Cmd+Shift+P on Mac), and search for "line numbers"), it should allow to toggle and show you the shortcut. Share Improve this answer...
Shortcut: CtrlEnter You can execute the code of notebook cells in many ways using the icons on the notebook toolbar, commands in the code cell context menu, and the Run icon in the gutter. note When you work with local notebooks, you don’t need to launch any Jupyter server in advan...
Once cells are selected, you can then delete / copy / cut / paste / run them as a batch. This is helpful when you need to move parts of a notebook. You can also useShift + Mto merge multiple cells. Merging multiple cells.
vim_binding.on_ready_callbacks.push(function(){ var km = ns.keyboard_manager; // Indicate the key combination to run the commands km.edit_shortcuts.add_shortcut('ctrl-s', 'jupyter-notebook:save-notebook', true); // Update Help