Even the best hand-made glove will not fit perfectly without a tailor taking your measurements. Just like the glove, a work environment can never suit you perfectly without some adjustments. Extensions provide those adjustments to JupyterLab to make it fit you like a glove. Some Extensions are ...
Gather useful JupyterLab extensions and tools maintained by volunteers. - JupyterLab Unofficial Extensions & Tools
In this article, I’ll introduce 10 Jupyter Lab extensions that I found are very useful to dramatically improve the productivity of a typical data scientist or data engineer. Jupyter Lab Extension Manager Most of the online resource will tell you to run the command like the following to ...
Vim notebook cell bindings for JupyterLab vimjupyterlabjupyterlab-vimjupyterlab-extension UpdatedApr 5, 2023 TypeScript ml-tooling/best-of-jupyter Star965 🏆 A ranked list of awesome Jupyter Notebook, Hub and Lab projects (extensions, kernels, tools). Updated weekly. ...
A more flexible and extensible user interface: JupyterLab allows users to configure and arrange their workspace to best suit their needs. It also supports a growing ecosystem of extensions that can be used to add new features and functionality. ...
JupyterLab [1]4.1 和Notebook [2]7.1 现已发布!这些版本为扩展开发人员提供了多项新功能、错误修复和增强功能。该版本与支持 JupyterLab 4.0 和 Notebook 7.0 的扩展兼容。 JupyterLab 4.1 包含了 6 个全新功能、39 项增强功能以及 114 项错误修复,同时解决了 140 项维护任务,这使得它成为 JupyterLab 迄今为...
The current JupyterHub version 2.5.1 does not allow user installed extension for JupyterLab when it is being served from JupyterHub. This should be remedied in version 3. However, even when this is "fixed" it is still useful to be able to install extensi
The@jupyterlab/ui-componentspackage provides UI elements that are widely used in JupyterLab core, and that can be reused in your own extensions. For example, all of the icons in JupyterLab core can be reused viaLabIcon. You can also useLabIconto create your own custom icons that will be...
To enable code autocomplete inJupyter NotebookorJupyterLab, you just need to hit the Tab key while writing code. Jupyter will suggest a few completion options. Navigate to the one you want with the arrow keys, and hit Enter to choose the suggestion. ...
Hi, First of all I would like to thank you all for building such a fantastic tool! Recently I've encountered an issue with the Jupyter Lab extensions, that I could some help with with. Jupyter Lab works just fine, but it seems that it do...