针对你在PyCharm中遇到的“Jupyter package is not installed”问题,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认PyCharm版本和配置: 确保你使用的PyCharm版本支持Jupyter Notebook的集成。PyCharm的专业版通常支持这一功能,但请检查你的PyCharm版本是否是最新的,或者至少是支持Jupyter Notebook的版本。 在PyCharm中,检查...
我想在 Pycharm 中使用 Jupyter notebook。项目解释器是来自 WSL (ubuntu 18.04) 内部虚拟环境的 python2.7。 Jupiter 包已正确安装在虚拟环境中(我可以通过jupyter notebook运行它)。 我的问题是,当我想在 Pycharm 中使用 Jupyter notebook 时,出现以下错误:Run Error Jupyter package is not installed(见图)。
PyCharm是一款由JetBrains开发的集成开发环境(IDE),主要用于Python语言的开发。它提供了丰富的功能和工具,使开发者能够更高效地编写、调试和测试Python代码。 Jupyter notebook是一个开源的交互式笔记本,可以在浏览器中创建和共享文档,其中可以包含实时代码、数学方程、可视化图表等。它支持多种编程语言,包括Pyt...
PyCharm updates the source code and the preview of the notebook if it has been changed externally. The editor for Jupyter notebooks has two modes: the edit mode and the command mode. Depending on the mode, you can either edit code in notebook cells or use keyboard shortcuts to perform ...
Cargo, the Rust package manager, is not installed or is not on PATH. This package requires Rust and Cargo to compile extensions. Install it through the system's package manager or via https://rustup.rs/ Get到了两个关键词,package manager,not installed,当时有点疑惑,我装个jupyter为啥要装Rust...
I started having this problem after upgrading Pycharm to version 2024.3.1 (Professional Edition) (Build #PY-243.22562.180, built on...
I started having this problem after upgrading Pycharm to version 2024.3.1 (Professional Edition) (Build #PY-243.22562.180, built on...