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Selenium WebDriver, the main component of Selenium, provides a cross-browser API that can be used to drive web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Edge, or Firefox) with different programming languages (e.g., Java, Python, JavaScript, or Ruby). While test automation [3] of web applications ...
Gnuplot, Jupyter Notebook, Mathematica, VisIt and yt python packages were used for data reduction and presentation in this study. References Bolton, S. J. et al. The Juno mission. Space Sci. Rev. 213, 5–37 (2017). Article ADS Google Scholar Folkner, W. M. et al. Jupiter gravity ...
in particular, makes use of the jwst pipeline43and the pyKLIP Python package44for several key reduction steps. Our reduction follows the steps outlined in detail in ref.42and is briefly summarized here. We started from the
The IntelliJ Integrated Development environments described above are best-in-class, and have free versions that will work fine for the EPI Judge. They do not include the compilers. You can get the Java development environment fromOracle, and the Python development environment fromPython.org. For ...
as well as the solar metallicity case with H−opacity and H2O dissociation7(brown, best fit to the HST data shown in Fig.1) that could both explain the past HST observations. We also show the SCARLET best-fit model to the NIRISS observations (blue).c, Median fits of the free-chemist...