Jupiter Life Line Hospitals Ltd的每股净营运资本净额(NNWC)排名为第38.12名,处于板块内83.1%的水平。下表提供了更多数据的摘要: 板块医疗保健的每股净营运资本净额(NNWC) 经济风险区类别 发展中 全部成分股 1,164 包括的成分股 1,118 分钟 -210.90 最大值 218.10 中位数 1.09 平均值 6.84 标准差 53.01 用本...
Jupiter Life Line Hospitals的毛利复合年均增长率(5年)无意义。在计算变动时,我们检测到最新值是负值,导致计算已无意义。 相比竞争对手,Jupiter Life Line Hospitals的毛利复合年均增长率(5年)基准如何? 我们发现下列公司与Jupiter Life Line Hospitals Ltd相近,它们都属于相关的行业。我们还考虑了规模、增长和各种财务...
Patient feedback is the most important factor that will take healthcare and hospitals to the next level: Dr. Rajendra Patankar, Jupiter Hospital News Jan 19, 2023 7-year-old girl with rare congenital disease undergoes whole liver transplant in Pune ...
You should also know that alkaline water have been used in Japanese Hospitals for decades to treat various degenerative diseases. Watch the video clips from a Japanese news program showing the various ways that the water is used there. We have decided to offer only the most advanced water ...
Jupiter in the 12th can be the channel through which inspiration and healing flow and therefore those with this placement have much to offer working within hospitals, prisons and various charitable institutions. The expanded vision which dawns in times of trouble not only provides hope and inspiratio...
You should also know that alkaline water have been used in Japanese Hospitals for decades to treat various degenerative diseases. Watch the video clips from a Japanese news program showing the various ways that the water is used there. We have decided to offer only the most advanced water ...
Jupiter Life Line Hospitals的含非经常项的ebt于March 2021触及5年低点,是15.547百万。 Jupiter Life Line Hospitals的含非经常项的ebt于2021 (15.547百万, -95.3%)减少和于2022 (771.2百万, +4,860.3%)、2023 (1.287十亿, +66.9%)和2024 (1.954十亿, +51.8%)增加。
Jupiter Life Line Hospitals Ltd的贝塔(5年)排名为第-名,处于板块内-的水平。下表提供了更多数据的摘要: 板块医疗保健的贝塔(5年) 经济风险区类别 发展中 全部成分股 994 包括的成分股 954 分钟 -0.49 最大值 1.66 中位数 0.40 平均值 0.44 标准差 0.39 用本选股器选股器,可以找到具有相近贝塔(5年)的公司...
Jupiter Life Line Hospitals下一财年的预估预期税后净经营利润(nopat)是1.86十亿。 接下来 5 个财年,Jupiter Life Line Hospitals的预估预期税后净经营利润(nopat)均值是 2.577十亿。 接下来5个财年,Jupiter Life Line Hospitals的预期税后净经营利润(nopat)中值是2.641十亿。