Given to star fund manager Richard Buxton to manage in February, with an uphill battle to revive fortunes, the trust had been heading for the buffers for some time, losing around a third of its value over the last five years as a repeated worst performer in the UK ALL Companies AIC Secto...
The article deals with the concerns expressed by Jupiter Asset Management chief investment officer (CIO) John Chatfeild-Roberts over buying investment trusts.EBSCO_bspFund Action
Adrian Gosden is lead investment manager of the UK Equity Income strategy. Prior to joining Jupiter in January 2024, Adrian was a fund manager at GAM since 2017. Prior to that he… More... Chris Morrison Co-Manager Since 02/04/2024 ...
If you have lost money as a result of bank transfer fraud and your bank is signed up to the Voluntary Contingent Reimbursement Model (CRM) Code then the following article(Reimbursement for authorised push payment fraud ( be helpful for you in trying to recover your money. ...
It points out that the company has a good position in the market, with prospects of opportunities. It hopes to focus more on the generation of its good performance in terms of its investors.Burnett-NicholsHelenEBSCO_bspFund Strategy
Reports on Jupiter Corp.'s offering of an opportunity to shareholders in its Jupiter Dividend and Growth split-capital investment trust, to continue the portfolio. Shareholders' alternative to liquidate the trust; Terms under the trust; Comments of Richard Pavry, head of investment trusts at ...
The fund assets of Bestinvest have reduced to 12.1 billion pounds. 64 unit trusts and Oeics have been highlighted on the list with Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Ltd. (Swip) on top and Jupiter being the new addition.JacksonGary Jupiter Asset Management | Unit Trusts, ISAs & Investments Find out more about Jupiter Asset Management and our fund management capabilities, where we seek to add value for our clients across a range of...Keywords: investors, Fund, investment companies, UK premierespeakers....