destination into the routing table. static-options--(Optional under route) Additional information about static routes, which is included with the route when it is installed in the routing table. You can specify one or more of the following in static-options. Each of the options is explained se...
Juniper-R&S-BGP(2):IBGP的初始配置+宣告BGP路由条目 1、进入Routing-options 指定AS号码 命令: set routing-options autonomous-system xxxxx ---注明:BGP私有AS号64512-65535 2、进入BGP协议的层级,手工配置邻居 root# edit protocols bgp group ibgp---进入BGP协议的层级 [edit protocols bgp group ibgp] root...
set routing-options static route next-hop st0.0 定义st0 tunnel接口地址/Zone及通过VPN通道到对端网络路由 set security ike policy ABC mode main set security ike policy ABC proposal-set standard set security ike policy ABC pre-shared-key ascii-text juniper 定义IKE Phase1 policy参数,m...
⑴ `set routing-options static route destination next-hop`:配置静态路由。 ⑵ `set protocols ospf area area-id`:配置OSPF路由协议。 ⒋ 安全配置命令 ⑴ `set security zones security-zone zone-name interfaces interface-name`:将接口分配给安全区域。 ⑵ `set security policies from-zone source-zone to...
set routing-options router-id 静态路由 set routing-options static route next-hop set routing-options static route next-hop resolve(juniper设备默认不进行递归查找,如果需要递归则在后面加上resolve命令) ...
Juniper 路由器配置操作手册 ziJuniper OS 4.2R1.3 路由器配置操作手册 1 系统配置 (2) 1.1 系统信息基本配置 (2) 1.2 系统用户信息 (2) 1.3 系统服务配置 (3) 2 端口配置 (4) 2.1juniper 端口介绍 (4) 2.2 端口配置 (4) 3SNMP 配置 (6) 4Routing-options 配置 (7) 4.1 静态路由配置 (7) 4.2...
routing-options : 配置静态路由或router-id 等系统全局路由属性配置。二、SRX®火墙配置对照说明策略处理流程图初始安装登陆Console 口(通用超级终端缺省配置 )连接SRX, root 用户登陆,密码为空login: rootPassword:- JUNO 7、S built 2009-07-16 15:04:30 UTCroot% cli/ / 进入操作模式root>root> configure...
所以的配置在routing-options 级别 Syntax: [edit] routing-options { static { defaults { static-options; } route destination-prefix { next-hop next-hop; qualified-next-hop address { metric metric; preference preference; } static-options;
user@routerA#set routing-options static route next-hop 2.1.2检查配置[edit] user@routerA#show interfaces ge-0/0/1 { unit 0 { family inet { address { vrrp-group 1 { virtual-address;
1. Create a routing options. [edit] user@host# edit routing-options 2. Set the AS number. [edit routing-options] user@host# set autonomous-system 17 3. Configure BGP. [edit] user@host# edit protocols bgp 4. Create the BGP group and add the external neighbor address. ...