Mist is pioneering the new wireless network. Our AI-driven WLAN makes Wi-Fi predictable, reliable & measurable while delivering amazing indoor location experiences.
通过将mistai驱动的技术集成到我们contrail主导的编排解决方案中我们有机会提供从无线网络到校园或分支机构的各种资源一直到公有云和私有云的抽象控制 Juniper4.05亿美元收购AI网络初创公司MistSystems 熔断器 Juniper正在加大投入人工智能。Juniper宣布,已经签署协议以4.05亿美元收购Mist Systems。Mist Systems这是一家资金雄厚...
今年3月Juniper Networks收購雲端無線網絡先驅Mist Systems,將其創新的AI雲端管理無線網絡與Juniper的區域網、SD-WAN和安全解決方案整合,並推出一系列AI無線區域網系統,以滿足香港企業未來流動和物聯網時代的需求。 Wi-Fi使用體驗影響企業營運 Juniper Networks港澳地區總經理Margaret Lee表示:「今天我們習慣使用無線上網工...
Juniper Networkssaidon Monday that it plans to acquire Mist Systems, makers of a wireless LAN network powered by artificial intelligence, for $405 million. Juniper plans to use the purchase to bolster its software-defined enterprise portfolio and multicloud offerings and expand its presence in the ...
外媒报道称,Juniper Networks 刚刚宣布,其将以 4.5 亿美元的价格收购 128 Technology 公司,以增强自身的网络产品和基于人工智能的新特性。Juniper 补充道,这笔交易将以现金 + 股权的方式进行。近年来,该公司一直在通过收购来增强自身的资产组合。比如 2019 年的时候,它就以 4.05 亿美元的价格,将 Mist ...
近日,美国数据中心硬件制造商慧与科技公司 (Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co.) 接近以 140 亿美元收购瞻博网络公司 (Juniper Networks Inc.),瞄准网络和人工智能业务。此举虽然将扩大其在网络领域的影响力,但引发了分析师和投资者的质疑。 ChatGPT火爆后,人工智能(AI)热潮进一步席卷全球,出了资本争相涌入,科技公司也...
“Mist Systems is a great fit for Juniper and for our enterprise customers,” explained Rami Rahim, CEO of Juniper Networks. “Juniper and Mist share a common strategic goal. We believe in the Software-Defined Enterprise and Mist’s focus on bringing AI to IT is consistent with our core be...
Join our weekly demo to see how we deliver the industry’s best access layer experience for wired and wireless networks. Sign up now Juniper Mist Premium Analytics FAQs What is Juniper Mist Premium Analytics? Juniper Mist Premium Analytics is a cloud-based analytics service that enables users to...
AI-native Networking is Here:Presenting Juniper Mist AI, the industry’s first AI-native networking platform that uses the right data, the right real-time responses, and the right secure infrastructure to deliver exceptional user experiences and business outcomes. ...
Juniper Mist Data Sheet