BGP方式的VPLS(Kompella方式VPLS)采用动态发现机制实现成员发现,用BGP作为信令。这种方式利用BGP的多协议扩展(MP-BGP)传递VPLS成员信息,其中MP-REACH和MP-UNREACH属性传递VPLS的标签信息,接口参数信息在扩展团体属性中传递,VPN成员关系靠RD(Route Distinguish)和VPN-Target来确定,RD和VPN-TARGET都在扩展团体属性中传递。
可以看到BGP方式VPWS也可以像CCC方式VPWS一样,可以建立本地连接,PE充当交换机。采用BGP方式,在全连接的情况下配置简单。 BGP-VPWS L2VPN实验拓扑 MX1-4 之间配置ISIS L2 打通底层路由。 MX1-4 之间建立MP-iBGP 全互联,开启L2VPN地址族。 MX1-4 之间建立LDP或RSVP,用于公网MPLS隧道建立。 创建VPWS L2VPN 路由实...
reject-default-routeUsethereject-default-routecommandstoenable,disable,ordisplaythereject-default-route setting.EnablingthissettingmakestheNetScreendeviceignoredefaultrouteadvertisements fromaBGPpeerrouter. Commandoptions:get,set,unset retry-timeUsetheretry-timecommandtospecifytheamountoftime(inseconds)afterfailing...
router bgp 1 no bgp default ipv4-unicast no bgp default route-target filter neighbor remote-as 2 address-family vpn4 neighbor active neighbor send-community extended address-family ipv4 vrf test redistribute static redistribute connect 在juniper下 Edit routing-instances te...
I can't really think of a way to do that for static routes in IOS. It can be done for BGP routes using a table-map, but this does not apply to static routes. Can you explain a bit more about your setup and why it is important for the static route to be installed in t...
user@router> show bgp neighbor AS 7224 Local: AS 65000 Type: External State: Established Flags: <ImportEval Sync> Last State: OpenConfirm Last Event: RecvKeepAlive Last Error: None Export: [ EXPORT-DEFAULT ] Options: <Preference Hold...
router bgp 1 no bgp default ipv4-unicast no bgp default route-target filter neighbor10.1.1.1 remote-as 2 address-family vpn4 neighbor active neighbor send-community extended address-family ipv4 vrf test redistribute static redistribute connect 在juniper下 Edit routing-instances test...
Now,All the private segment (for instance: are not in the same AS and need to be send to different AS. Adding a static route with AD 255 will not install it in route table. Hence, will not redistribute via BGP. Adding a static route with less AD well will ...
admin mtu 0, operating mtu 1500, default mtu 1500 *ip mac 84b5.9c21.e500 *manage ip, mac 84b5.9c21.e500 route-deny disable bandwidth: physical 0kbps, configured egress [gbw 0kbps mbw 0kbps] configured ingress mbw 0kbps, current bw 0kbps ...
# To advertise additional prefixes to the Oracle VCN, add additional prefixes to the term ORACLE-DEFAULT policy. Make sure the prefix is present in the route table of the device with a valid next-hop. # You configure the local BGP Autonomous System Number (BGP ASN) when you set up the ...