The Norwegian Junior Temperament and Character Inventory (JTCI): An assessment of its psychometric properties (English). Compr Psychiatry 2013;54(7):904-910.VANGBERG HC, EISEMANN M, WATERLOO K, et al. The Nor- wegian Junior Temperament and Character Inventory (JTCI) : an assessment of ...
The aim was to study the validity of 2 personality instruments, the Health-Relevant Personality Inventory (HP5i) and the Junior Temperament and Character Inventory (JTCI), among adolescents with a substance use problem. Clinical interviews were completed with 180 adolescents and followed up after 12...
Our aim was to identify biomarkers that distinguish children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder combined subtype (ADHD_C) from children with ADHD_C+ODD, by combining the results of quantitative EEG (qEEG) and the Junior Temperament Character Inventory (JTCI). 28 ADHD_C and 22 ADHD_C...
In the research comprising 40 teenagers, among them 13 basketball players, we used the following instruments: the Junior Temperament and Character Inventory test with 55 items and 5 scales, as well as the Behavioral Anchors intended to evaluate the athletes' performances in a junior basketball team...
Genetic and Environmental Influences on the Junior Temperament and Character Inventory in a Preadolescent Twin Sample This study evaluated the genetic and environmental structure of personality variables from the Junior Temperament and Character Inventory (JTCI), in 605 p... JD Isen,LA Baker,A Raine...
The Junior Temperament and Character Inventory: preliminary validation of a child self-report measure. Psychol Rep 1999;84(3 Pt 2):1127-38.Luby, J.L., Svrakic, D.M., McCallum, K., Przybeck, T.R. y Cloninger, C.R. (1999). The Junior Temperament and Character Inventory: Preliminary...
The Junior Temperament and Character Inventory: Italian validation of a questionnaire for the measurement of personality from ages 6 to 16 years. Compr Psychiatry. 2012 Aug;53(6):884-92.ANDRIOLA E,DONFRANCESCO R,ZANINOTTO S,et al. The junior temperament and character inventory:Italian ...
The junior temperament and character inventory (JTCI) has been developed for the assessment of temperament and character dimensions in childhood based on Cloninger's model of personality. We evaluated the psychometric proprieties of a French child and parent-rated version of the JTCI based on a ...
Objective: Junior Temperament and Character Inventory (J-TCI) was developed by Luby, Svrakic, McCallum, Przybeck, and Cloninger based on Cloninger's biopsychosocial model to assess temperament and character dimensions in children and adolescents.Methods: The Turkish version of J-TCI-Revised (J-TCI...
Objective: Junior Temperament and Character Inventory (J-TCI) was developed by Luby, Svrakic, McCallum, Przybeck, and Cloninger based on Cloninger’s biopsychosocial model to assess temperament and character dimensions in children and adolescents.Methods: The Turkish version of J-TCI-Revised (J-...