Junior Maths Challenge Past Papers and Grade Boundaries Below is a table with the grade boundaries for past papers for the UKMT Junior Maths Challenge, as well as a table with links to lots of past papers and solutions. You can also see more info about t
UKMT高级挑战赛主要针对Year 13及以下的学生,主要包括Senior Mathematical Challenge(简称SMC)、Andrew Jobbings Senior Kangaroo、British Maths Olympiad Round 1(简称BMO 1),和British Maths Olympiad Round 2(简称BMO 2)。 其中Andrew Jobbings Senior Kangaroo、BMO 1是SMC的后续回合,只有在SMC中达到了目标分数,才...
佛山市霍利斯外籍人员子女学校很高兴给大家分享一个好消息,我们学生在著名的UKMT英国少年数学竞赛所取得优异成绩!这既体现了学生们努力的成果,也展示了佛山霍利斯数学教育的强大实力。 UKMT英国少年数学竞赛介绍 UKMT英国少年数学竞赛是英国著名的全国性竞赛,参赛者是11-14岁的低年级学生。竞赛包括了一系列的数学试题,测试...
First,I had to think very carefully about which courses I wanted to take.The school adviser helped me choose the suitable ones:maths,English,chemistry,world history,and Chinese.I know that Chinese is a very difficult language,but I hope to be fluent when I graduate.My ...
First,I had to think very carefully about which courses I wanted to take.The school adviser helped me choose the suitable ones:maths,English,chemistry,world history,and Chinese.I know that Chinese is(2)___very difficult language,but I hope to be fluent(3)___I graduate...
UKMT高级挑战赛主要针对Year 13及以下的学生,主要包括Senior Mathematical Challenge(简称SMC)、Andrew Jobbings Senior Kangaroo、British Maths Olympiad Round 1(简称BMO 1),和British Maths Olympiad Round 2(简称BMO 2)。 其中Andrew Jobbings Senior Kangaroo、BMO 1是SMC的后续回合,只有在SMC中达到了目标分数,才...
题目Hi!My name is Adam and I'm a freshman at senior high school.Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.The first week was a little(1)___(confuse). First,I had to think very carefully about which courses I wanted to take....