Ribbon, Achievement, Junior ROTC and NDCC, Academic, N-1-2doi:MIL MIL-DTL-11589/432B
/PRNewswire/ -- Récemment, Volvo Financial Services (VFS) a conclu avec succès une collaboration d'une année avec JA (Junior Achievement) Worldwide, diffusant...
Ruraljuniormiddleschoolstudentsachievementattributionwayandtest 2012年第2期 第l4卷(总第72期) 淮南师范学院学报 JOURNALOFHUAINANNORMALUNIVERSITY No.2,2012 GeneralNo.72,Vo1.14 农村初中生学业成就归因方式与考试焦虑的研究 邱波 (凤台县杨村初级中学,安徽 凤台232161) 『摘要1以随机整体分层抽样的300名农村初中生...
The study also revealed that gender has no significant impact on achievement in BST. It is therefore recommended that BST teachers should be trained on the use of cooperative learning processes. Keywords: Cooperative Learning, Basic Science and Technology DOI : 10.7176/JEP/10-14-17 Publication ...
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of parental support, attitudes towards mathematics, and mastery goal orientation on mathematics learning achievement with self-regulated learning as a mediator. The research method that the researcher uses is a structural model...