(PERFECT CLONE BAIT) - League of Legends 455 1 29:01 App WE HAVE FOUND A SECRET META IN THE BOT LANE!! - Pink Ward Shaco 浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息网络传播视听节目许可证:0910417 网络文化经营许可证 沪网文【2019】3804-274号 广播电视节目制作经营许可证:(...
TSM Spica on Patch 11.5: "The main problem is that this jungle meta has only four viable champions." Source: Paul de Leon for Riot Games TSM looked to have an advantage against Team Liquid in the penultimate match of the 2021 League of Legends Championsh...
The top junglers in the world head to China to help their team win the Summoner's Cup at the 2017 League of Legends World Championship. Staple names like Karsa and Ambition will be there, but did they make our power rankings?
How strong is Ekko in the meta Ekko currently struggles pretty heavily in the current meta in my opinion. Lots of champs outburst him with more range and less risk. He is by no means unplayable, but takes much more skill to pull off at the moment than most of the popular picks. ...
Riot put out a new patch for League of Legends this week—an occasion that the game's legions of fans always await with bated breath. Anticipation curdled into disappointment once players realized the developer had made some unwelcome changes that could
Though not all of these changes may ship, manyLeagueplayers would be curious to see how laning champions perform outside of their normal role. Such a big overhaul in the jungle, especially after its tumultuous season 10 start, may prove problematic for the meta. ...
Recently, I have been assigned as the official jungler of our League of Legends competitive team. I have always tried to be good at every aspect of the game, but specializing in the jungle has been a lot of fun lately too. I thought I’d write a little bit about how I like to ...
If jungle clear optimization is no longer a major barrier-to-entry for jungle viability, way more champions can be played there. The meta is less set in stone, the jungle itself isn’t telling you that you’re bad at the game just because you picked Warwick and wanted to take raptors....
They are all roles. Most roles are assigned to different lanes. Top goes to the uppermost lane while mid goes to the shortest (and straightest) lane in the middle of the map. Bottom (bot) lane is where support and adc go. Most of the time people will call bot instead of adc though...
League of Legends: LIDER spoke to Inven Global's Yohan Markov on how he joined Vitality, what offers he received but never finalized, and the reason he didn't don the black-and-orange of Fnatic ahead of the 2021 Spring Split.