ACCA F6 Exam Tips June 2017 Session are given below by famous tuition providers Kaplan Make sure you read the tax rates and allowances in the exam. You may find they prompt you to remember things. For example, as high emission cars only receive a 8% WDA for capital allowances it may r...
Remember to take your calculator to the exam and pay great attention to any dates mentioned within the question. Materiality frequently is an issue within the questions.You really should refresh your memory about accounting standards from P2 course notes or, if you cannot face P2 course notes, ...
There are no other changes. For further question practice you may then work examples 31 – 35 in the ACCA FA 2018 Technical Article Chapter 25 VAT There are no changes to VAT so that this chapter may be studied from the FA 2017 lectures and notes with just the dates in the examples cha...
ACCA encourages students to take time to read questions carefully and to plan answers but once the exam time has started, there are no additional restrictions as to when candidates may start writing in their answer books. 2 © ACCA 2017-2018. All rights reserved. Time should be taken to ...
This time should be used to ensure that all the information and exam requirements are properly read and understood. During reading and planning time candidates may only annotate their question paper. They may not write anything in their answer booklets until told to do so by the invigilator. ...
In addition, an understanding of the administration aspects of these taxes should be gained, such as knowledge of the statutory timescales for the submission of claims and returns and the due dates for payment of tax liabilities. Having covered the core areas of the basic taxes, candidates ...
The time limits for the submission of information, claims and payment of tax, including payments for provisional tax a) Recognise the time limits that apply to the filing of returns and the making of claims.[2] b) Recognise the due dates for the payment of tax, including that on filing ...
a) Recognise the time limits that apply to the filing of returns, declarations and the making of claims and adjustments.[2] b) Recognise the due dates for the payment of tax under the self-assessment system.[2] c) Compute provisional tax and advance company tax payments.[2] d) Explain ...
[2] b) Recognise the due dates for the payment of tax under the self-assessment system.[2] c) Compute provisional tax and advance company tax payments.[2] d) Explain when a taxpayer is subject to the Final Settlement System or subject to provisional tax payments and settlement tax.[2] ...
Please refer to value/education-learning/recognition-acca.html for further information. GUIDE TO EXAM STRUCTURE The structure of examinations varies within and between modules and levels. The FIA examinations contain 100% compulsory questions to encourage candidates...