School Connection, a NEW parent/guardian-facing application, will be available for private preview in August 2022. It keeps parents and guardians up to date on their students’ Teams assignments, classroom engagement, learning progress, time management, and provides a teacher di...
Welcome to the June edition of “What’s New in Microsoft Teams”. We continue to move into the world of hybrid. Meetings, chats, and collaborative experiences need to be as inclusive and connected as p...
Event-triggered adaptive neural tracking control for MSVs under input saturation: An appoint-time approach Gang Liu, Bin Du, Bin Lin, Weidong Zhang Article 111097 Article preview select article ZOH-based composite neural event-triggered control of underactuated cable-laying vehicle in presence of var...
select article Comprehensive analysis of phenolics compounds in citrus fruits peels by UPLC-PDA and UPLC-Q/TOF MS using a fused-core column Research articleOpen access Comprehensive analysis of phenolics compounds in citrus fruits peels by UPLC-PDA and UPLC-Q/TOF MS using a fused-core column Vit...
期刊致力于搭建世界一流的门静脉高压与肝硬化学术共享平台,发表高质量的科研论文及权威共识指南,向该领域医务工作者、科研人员提供新进展和新成果。 Scan the code and get moreinformation on PH&C website 来源:《门静脉高压与肝硬化(英文)》编审:王宁宁 排版...
We already knew that Mr. Trump refused to act for 187 minutes to disperse the mob. With Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony, we heard more evidence that he spurred them to attack Vice President Mike Pence. (As rioters stormed the Capitol, Mr. Trumptweetedthat Mr. Pence “didn’t have the courag...
News Archive: June 2022 Tap to refine news by category Artificial Intelligence (1074) Business, Financial & Legal (3119) Cases, Cooling & PSU (746) Computer Systems (549) Connectivity & Cloud (410) CPU, APU & Chipsets (2111) Cryptocurrency & Mining (650) Electric Vehicles & Cars (875) ...
“Anne B. Spencer“, last edited 25 April 2022. Wikipedia. Accessed 15 May 2022. Baldwin, Kate, Denise Bookwalter, Sarah Bryant, Macy Chadwick and Tricia Treacy. 2021.REF. Davis, Brian. 1 May 2024. “Part One: The Rise of Multimodal Book-Archives“. Book Art Theory. Starkville, MS:...
Volume 7 Issue 2 June 2022 2022年-第七卷-第二期 Original Articles The politics of platform power in surveillance capitalism: A comparative case study of ride-hailing platforms in China and the United States Ngai Keung Chan and Chi Kwok ...
Split content onCMake,MSBuild,manual integration, and theexport commandinto separate documentation articles. Added documentation describing criteria for vcpkg releases. Wording changes, fixed links, and other improvements for several other articles. ...