sundaz when i met a friend from another part of germanz anarchist scene, we discussed about this problem, he is been in the scene for 20 years or somethig now, he said about 10 years ago the scene started to chaged, he was at the frankfurt infoshop 10 years ago when things just st...
June 30, 2007 Hillary sweeps Florida; says she will clean White House Hillary Clintonraised more than $100,000 this morning at a $100-per-plate "women's breakfast'' at Jungle Island. "If there ever was a time for a woman president it's now," she told a mostly female crowd of nearl...
SOE has better things to do than keep me up to date. But I wanna know! Now! [The answer, at 11:54am Pacific Time, is yes, Game Update 36 is out today. Notes here.] This entry was posted in EverQuest II, Sony Online Entertainment on June 28, 2007. Lunch at the Forsaken ...
That’s right. BlackBerry Browser is currently in development and it’s planned for BlackBerry Pearl 2 or so. There should be some really cool features, well… Actually I know only one now which is really exciting, it’s a tabbed browsing. Here are some screenshots of the BlackBerry Brow...
22nd June 2007 14 Comments Blogging 101 (The most famousSingaporeanever – the famed comedian Kumar. Image source:CNA Lifestyle) 4th floor boys must be shitting in their pants now… Notwithstanding the“dungu”alike statement from one “Yang Berhormat”, there is a very high chance that the ...
TWIC 1232 is now available Zierk-Antal,G Dutch Defence 2.Bf4 CCCSA Summer GMA 2018 rd3 After 21..Nf8(Diagram) At first sight Black has good light square counterplay and the Bh2 is passive. Perhaps White should consider Rfa1(getting the last piece into play) to prepare a4-a5 What do...
Month:June 2007 Welcome to Macintosh I was lucky enough to be interviewed several weeks ago for this upcoming documentary (and, if they’re as smart as they seemed, I’ll get left on the editing room floor with the footage of Rob Enderle). Now you can now check out the trailer on Yo...
Will they all prove to have been worth the wait? Now there’s a question… Share this: Twitter Facebook More Loading... Monthly Roundup – June 2017 30 Friday Jun 2017 Posted by dullwood68 in Movies ≈ 1 Comment Tags Attack of the Killer Donuts, Bakery, Barbara Kent, Before the...
Jun 8, 2007 0 0 What’s for DinnerNow? Alphabet Soup. Steve Lee DinnerNow is a .NET demo application that uses the latest and greatest .NET technologies. The nice thing about it is that it shows you how to use these technologies working together in the context of a real-world applicat...
Now all I have to do is keep all my most horrifying and repellent character traits well and truly under wraps for the next month or so… update:Gave up on the Canaries and am going to Greek Islands instead. Have only booked flight so far, so all advice still welcome… ...