June 17, 2007 7:02 pm |Link|2 Comments » Peter Simple V A wise old man once said ‘good fences make good neighbours’ but history is chock full of territorial disputes nonetheless. Woefully, ancient land claims and cross-border irridentism reared their ugly head on the pages of theDai...
At age 30 I had never heard this piece before. I knew the lore behind the riotous premiere of the work but had never heard the piece. Well, I was blown away. The front row of the balcony at the Barbican put me pretty close to the LSO and it was stunning. Also heard Salonen and ...
This entry was posted in blog thing, General on June 19, 2007. StarCraft Memories I will forever associate StarCraft with the office. My career in Silicon Valley, at a variety of companies, has been marked by a lot of after hours game play at the office. Bolo, Marathon, Age of Empi...
St. Charles residentNatalie Wileyand Batvia residentMadeline Hothamwere second- and third-place winners in the Children’s Musical Theatre category (through age twelve) of the national Hal Leonard Vocal Competition. Both are students atVero Voce Theater & School of Performing Artsin St. Charles. ...
1985 Krug Champagne Vintage Brut.BH 94. I have had a number of bottles, even from the same cellar, that have been showing plenty of age and even occasionally flirting with oxidative hints yet this most recent bottle (from my cellar) was among the freshest I’ve had in a while with its...
Physician: [laughing] It gets tough. I‚Äôm single as well. I don’t know. We’re not at the right age to be dating, I guess. So, let’s see. No trouble urinating or anything like that? As was found in aprevious study, it was also found that the longer the doctor talked...
In this phase II trial, 49 patients (41 men; median age, 61 yr) with stage II to III disease were studied over a six-year period. First, they were given interleukin-2 (18 X 106IU/ day for three days) administered through the pleura. The patients then underwent pleurectomy and decort...
For that, he will be sorely missed, and even more so for dying at such a relatively young age. 1– Together (2000) 2– The Guy in the Grave Next Door (2002) 3– As It Is in Heaven (2004) 4– Suddenly (2006) 5– The Black Pimpernel (2007) 6– The Girl With the Dragon ...
Walk of the Month – July 2007 Dear SHC members, Let’s take a leisurely stroll back in time, to the era of the five kings and the golden age of 14thcenturySingapore! The Malay locals when they received Raffles pointed him to a hill called Bukit Larangan (Forbidden Hill). Around 1860,...
The stories are mostly from the perspective of Tove as a child, though some towards the end focus on old age. Each one is slight, with little of significance occuring – in ‘Jeremiah’, the child competes for the attentions of a foreigner collecting bits and pieces on the beach; ‘Snow...