clarifying that it started after his breakup with Hyeri. She also apologized for her now-deleted Instagram post. On the morning of March 16, Ryu Jun Yeol’s agency also confirmed the 37-year-old actor’s relationship with Han So Hee, putting an end to the speculation...
Are Hyeri and Ryu Jun Yeol among them?#GirlsDay #Hyeri #RyuJunYeol #Reply1988 01.26.23 | 1:28AM EST News Are Girl's Day Hyeri and Ryu Jun Yeol Still Dating? Idol Updates on Relationship with Actor Girl's Day Hyeri, who has been publicly dating her "Reply 1988" co-star Ryu Jun ...
While Ryu Jun Yeol and Han So Hee's first date in Hawaii was being confirmed, in Korea, Ryu Jun Yeol and Hyeri's last meeting was being covered. According to 'Dispatch's investigation, the two had grown distant since June last year. In fact, Ryu Jun Yeol did not attend...
Jun Yeol after he told her he was broken up fully with Hyeri and there was NO “transit romance”. I wish she could realize to just live her life, let things die down, and sometimes silence in golden as in this situation which at the end of the day is a ro...
Netflix Drama The 8 Show Press Conference Turns into Ryu Jun Yeol Responding to Transit Love Questions and Bae Seung Woo Deeply Apologizing for Drunk Driving Arrest Posted onMay 10, 2024byockoala I can only say thank god this drama is airing on global platform Netflix which for the most par...
Hyeri Kim, Jonghyun Kim, Min Young Kim, Soeun Lee, Joonhee Park, Jieun Shin, Sojin Yang, Jungsoon Yoon, Hwaran Lee, Sanghwan Bae, Jeehwan Cha, Karl Gylleus, Donghoon Ham, Mihak Hong, Youngki Hong, Yunki Hong, Dahyun Jang, Hyojun Jeon, Yujin Jeon, Yeji Jeong, Myunggeun Ji, ...
惠利帶著應援咖啡車禮物到男友柳俊烈拍攝電視劇現場祝賀生日。 惠利準備的應援咖啡車上橫幅 (如下圖) 寫著:「親愛的柳俊烈生日快樂,俊烈的一號粉絲。」表達對柳俊烈的支持。另一張橫幅上則說:「我已經為《金錢遊戲》隊買好了機票明年我們去拿艾美獎吧!」 ...