【HH】史迹新篇:MTGA JumpStart预览(更新中) 来自IGN的新系列单卡,这个系列只进MTGA史迹,不在实体发售,共计782张牌,有来自mh1、mh2的牌,和31张全新的牌。 本系列将于8月12日上线,一直到9月9日的活动中,你可以从46个主体选两个进行现开,和老JS类似。 新关键字 seek:随机导师一张(或者说随机抓一张也行...
seek和perpetually这些新机制很多都是不需要展示的,因为定位是纯线上,相当于mtga帮你当裁判保证,也没必要展示了。 不过对方能不能看到你选没选有待考证,比如你手里其实没有生物牌了,拍这个哥布林,对方会不会发现。参考隔壁炉石,对方是能发现的,不知道mtga会怎么设计。
~对任意目标造成X点伤害,X为3加~上充电指示物的数量。然后在你手上、坟场、牌库的每个~牌和它自己放置一个充电指示物。当~死去时,放逐它,如果你如此做,将三个重组骷髅妖牌置于你的坟墓场。 ~对任意目标造成X点伤害,X为3加~上充电指示物的数量。然后在你手上、坟场、牌
Each pack has a special theme that ties the cards inside together, so mix and match packs to see what cool decks you can get. There's fun to be found in every booster, so jump into this exciting and accessible format. 0017_MTGJ25_Main: Hearts on Fire 0039_MTGJ25_NewAnime: Taeko, ...
Jumpstart已经上线MTGA了,那这次的新牌又会对史迹带来什么样的冲击呢? 下面是视频版的简析: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1yg4y1v75C 海盗船长 可喜可贺,海盗终于有三费头子了。鉴于这个头子自带一个珍宝进场,同曲线的兰娜莉速腾船长也能在出的当回合造珍宝,因此干扰咒语选用了1费的点破咒语,而不是海盗...
Lorcana 游戏王 漫威对决 影之诗 幻兽帕鲁 雾锁王国 无人深空 无火之光 互动影游 独立游戏 Galgame 昆特牌 魔兽大作战 符文之地传说 影之诗EVOLVE Gateruler门将 海贼王TCG 卡牌游戏 电子游戏 桌面游戏 博德之门3 天堂之圣灵 玩家杂谈 KARDS 电子斗蛐蛐 ...
Jumpstart is a new way to play Magic released in Summer 2020. Take two 20 card booster packs, shuffle them together, and immediately play. Instant fun!
Jumpstart 2022 was previewed in its entirety this week. You can find brand new cards (including a ton of Legendaries), and anime-inspired reprints in the new Jumpstart packs. The set is massive, with 835 cards in total! be sure to check out all the latest previews atwww.mtgpreviews.com...
MTG Arena Play Magic Learn Magic SHOP News BUY NOW YOUR LOCAL STORE AMAZON BUY NOW YOUR LOCAL STORE AMAZON MIX, MATCH, MAYHEM! VARIETY OF THEMES Fast, fun, Magic with unique theme versions! WILD COMBOS Pick your two favorite themed boosters and play with epic combos and synergies. ...