JumpCloud 免费 iPhone 截屏 简介 Sign into your work resources simply and securely with the JumpCloud Protect® mobile application, proud winner of the Globee Cybersecurity Award. JumpCloud Protect enables multi-factor authentication (MFA) which ensures user verification. ...
JumpCloud #102(商業) 免費 iPhone 螢幕截圖 描述 Sign into your work resources simply and securely with the JumpCloud Protect® mobile application, proud winner of the Globee Cybersecurity Award. JumpCloud Protect enables multi-factor authentication (MFA) which ensures user verification. ...
Download JumpCloud Protect from the iOS App Store or the Google Play Store if you have not already done so. Open JumpCloud Protect. If this is your first time opening the JumpCloud Protect app, in the prompt that appears, allow the app access to the camera. This is to scan QR codes. T...
JumpCloud Protect is a mobile app for iOS and Android that can be used for multi-factor authentication. Once users have downloaded the app and enrolled their device, the app can be used for push notifications or as an authenticator (TOTP). The JumpCloud Protect® app includes many features ...
JumpCloud Protect is a fully featured mobile MFA app, that allows employees authenticating into protected apps and resources to verify themselves directly from their corporate-issued or BYOD mobile device. JumpCloud Protect: Installs on both iOS and Android devices Simple “one-touch” accept or ...
TOTP / MFA / JumpCloud Protect Operational User Console ? Operational User Import from CSV Operational Workday Import Operational www.jumpcloud.com Operational JumpCloud University Operational Past Incidents Mar 6, 2025 No incidents reported today. Mar 5, 2025 No incidents reported. Mar 4, ...
(MFA) solution that makes it easy for IT admins to deploy and enforce MFA without adversely impacting end users. Available for both iOS and Android devices, JumpCloud Protect extends JumpCloud’s cloud directory platform to include robust security, protecting cloud applications through a single ...
Mac and iOS devices require additional software to use EAP-TTLS/PAP authentication for wireless clients. SeeConfigure EAP-TTLS/PAP on Mac and iOS for RADIUSfor more information. JumpCloud Protect Mobile Push can be used on RADIUS VPN servers and wireless network RADIUS servers. ...
By taking advantage ofApple Business Managerwith its MDM for Mac systems, Macs were set up and configured automatically from first boot, rather than requiring admins to lay hands on the hardware. JumpCloud also introduced Protect, a mobile MFA system for iOS and Android that verifies identity wi...
Enforce dynamic security measures on all devices to protect them and the resources they house. Patch Management Improve device security posture with automated patching schedules and complete version control. System Insights Get visibility into device-level events to easily identify issues and minimize secu...