发售日期: 最有名的漫画英雄们被抛到了一个全新的战场──我们居住的世界。J军队要团结对抗最危险的威胁,肩负起全人类的命运。 创造属于你的虚拟化身,进入游戏原创剧情模式,与出自七龙珠Z、ONE PIECE、NARUTO-火影忍者-、BLEACH、HUNTER×HUNTER、游☆戏☆王、幽☆游☆白书、圣斗士星矢还有其他作品最强大的漫画英...
The most famous Manga heroes are thrown into a whole new battleground our world. Uniting to fight the most dangerous threat, the Jump Force will bear the fate of the entire human kind. Create your own avatar and jump into an original Story Mode to fight
For the first time ever, the most famous Manga heroes are thrown into a whole new battleground: our world. Uniting to fight the most dangerous threat, the Jump Force will bear the fate of the entire human kind.
NOTE: Go to the JUMP FORCE official website for details about DLC packs. Platform: PS4 Release: 8/23/2019 Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc. Genres: Action, Fighting Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy (play...
Online play optional 1 - 2 players Remote Play supported PS4 Version DUALSHOCK 4 vibration Mild Blood, Suggestive Themes, Violence In-Game Purchases, Users Interact Ratings JUMP FORCE Character Pack 3: All Might Global player ratings 4.37Average rating 4.37 stars out of five stars from 2313 ratin...
Online play YJump Force, Bandai Namco, PlayStation 4, 722674121743 YBandai Namco Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Day 1 Edition, Xbox One NMy Hero - One s Justice Bandai/Namco PlayStation 4 722674121767 -DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO, PlayStation 5 NMy Hero One's Justice, Bandai Namco, Xbox One,...
play the online game Ninja Jump Force for free on your smartphone, pad or tablet directly without installation. The little ninja is starting his training. There are 30 levels in total, you need to finish all these challenges and help him to become the mo
JUMP FORCE 角色組合包③檢視附加元件 描述 *Notice for End of Sales and Online Service All product sales will end on: February 8, 2022 2AM - 6AM CET Online service will end on: August 25, 2022 3AM - 7AM CEST *Please note that times may vary. Along with the ending of online service,...
The Characters Pass includes: - 9 additional characters - 4 days of early access to play with those characters before everyone else - Each character also comes with a set of abilities and costume elements to customize your own avatar
Game was removed from sale on 8 February 2022; some online features have shut down on 25 August 2022.[1] NameNotesExpand Game data•Link Configuration file(s) location•Link SystemLocation Windows%LOCALAPPDATA%\JUMP_FORCE\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\ ...